Transform Your Self With Your Voice

 Transform your Self with your voiceThe voice is used to speak language, to sing, to express emotions, to chant, to scream and, yes, it can also be used to transform your self.

Jill Purce, one of the leading pioneers in researching the effects of sound and voice on matter said, ” Sound is an incredibly powerful force…there were ways of using the voice which were the easiest ways of transforming and becoming clear, entering a state of clarity and emptiness and being present.”  She also has mentioned that the Tibetan Monks view the a human being as body, mind voice, voice being that which coordinates the body and mind.

Many past cultures have used vocal chanting and singing to transform and to actualize their realities. Sadly, we have lost that practice in today’s modern culture. Many professionals in our modern cultures today may find using the voice to sing or chant somewhat of a “woo woo” practice. However, with the studies of sound therapy, cymatics, and vibroacoustical therapy, we may begin to see the value of using our voices to transform the resistance, the blocks and  the stuckness in our careers, dream launching and relationships.

Your voice has a healing vibration:

Your voice is a wave of vibration. When you use your voice, you not only hear and receive that vibration with your ears but you also receive that vibration on the inside as well. Very powerful since the rest of your cells are vibrating as well. The sounds you marinate yourself in effect the vibration of the cells.

What vibrational impact might your voice have on your body if your mind was continually participating in judgmental thoughts?  If you thought those thoughts for years and years what symptoms might your body give you to tell you something is not jiving with it?

You have the ability to use voice and sound to transform not only your body but the limiting belief systems that are creating your reality as well. You have the ability to use your voice to sound out vowels over and over again to reset some of the frequencies that are creating things you don’t desire.

Would you like to change your discomfort or fear of being seen and heard? Would you like to trust yourself, have confidence and speak dynamically? Would you like to be an uplifter?  Would you like to contribute to the world in an amazing way?

I believe you can.

Thru using your voice to tone and chant you can begin to get back in tune with your authentic vibration. The vibration that is in tune with nature and source energy. From there not only with your voice transform but also your life. Your voice truly is your power.

For more information using your voice to transform your self,  your career and your life

I invite you to join me for a FREE intro call.

All the best!

Now go out there and sing OM for the next 20 min!



7 Affirmations To Free Your VOICE

free your voice blog bannerWe may not think much of our voice until we have to get up and do a presentation, or get on camera or sing a song. However, each moment our voice has a lot to say.

Your voice can be a window to your soul.  


When your voice is free I venture to say you are feeling more free inside to be your true self. When your voice is free you have a confidence and ease with showing up and being heard. At least this is what I have experienced.   Thru the years here are some affirmations I have used to stay open with my voice when I have been on stage.     May these 7 affirmations to free your voice be a contribution to you!  Your Brilliance can change the world!

  1. My VOICE is my Power
  2. I am being sung by source energy
  3. I expand my energy and let go of judgments
  4. If I can breath, I can talk, If I can talk I can sing
  5. My voice is a unique contribution to the world 
  6. My body is open and free to express my voice
  7. I trust the brilliance that comes thru my voice 

How to use these affirmations:

1-First Aid: When you find yourself feeling self conscious or uncomfortable -contracted in your body and inhibited yet your still aware of  a “green light” energy of “go do this”, pick one of these affirmations to use or several. Use them on the spot!

2-Personal practice: If you are aware of a specific pattern that shows up you can pick the affirmation that lights you up and say it as a mantra practice morning and night. Say it 10-30 times at a sitting. (or in the car, this is were I get a lot of my transformational practice done LOL)  This will help you rewire your experience with using your voice.

With these affirmations under your belt you will begin to find more ease with your video blogs, speaking in a room full of people, making a presentation or even with speaking to your children.

I love questions. IF you have any let me know in the comments!


Could you use more help with freeing your voice?  I offer Vocal empowerment sessions that are a deep transformational journey of self discovery to free your voice I would love to support you!

  • All the best



3 Reasons Why Shy and Inhibited Women Will Never Speak Up

Get yourself heardAre you a shy and inhibited woman ready to GET YOUR VOICE HEARD  in the world?

What do you do when you have a powerful message to give but are too inhibited or shy to share it?

Is it time for you to shine and be heard?

I literally was the queen of shyness. In 8th grade I actually got “shyest” in the year book.  In school I would sit in the front row so no one could look back at me when I was called on and JUDGE ME.   When I was called on, omg, I would go into an anxiety attach and my voice would be hared to hear and crackly.  NOT FUN!!

Then something shifted sophomore year in high school.  My love for singing (in the SAFE  privacy of my room) over came my fear of rejection and my fear of failure. I tried out for the chorus in the school play.  Do you know what?   I GOT CALLED BACK AND THE PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL SAID,

” Rebecca we had no idea you had such a big voice inside of you!”

What big voice do you have inside of YOU??

If you are shy and inhibited these are the 3 reasons you will never speak up:

  1. People pleaser
  2. Fear of rejection
  3. Fear of failure

The good news is I have a practice that will eradicate these three things and you can have more of a voice in your world!

I dare you to look in the mirror and say, “I love you no matter what” , 5-10 times, 3 times a day, for 30 days!

If you give a practice 30 days it starts to become a habit! You can replace the negative programing from above with something that will create more possibility for your self expression!

Rewiring ourselves with unconditional love helps us take chances and see life as a fun experiment. If we make a mistake its just a fun experiment rather then a failure that keeps us from being loved.

Rewiring ourselves with unconditional love helps us project into the world that other people function from unconditional love too. Rejection can not live in a world of unconditional love!

Rewiring ourselves with unconditional love helps us tune into ourselves more. We begin to put ourselves into the equation of our lives and  fill our cup up first. Then from there we contribute to others and rather then trying to please people to be accepted or loved and giving up ourselves, we contribute from a full cup of brilliance and expression.

So I triple dog dare you to say ” I love you no matter what” and see what happens!  Begin to notice your voice opening up and notice courage you gain to share your message more often.


All the best!!!

Your Losing Your Voice with Your Addiction To Tragedy!


Whether your voice is flowing ease fully or it is locked up and tongue tied it is a reflection of where you are putting your POINT OF FOCUS.

I was reminded of that today as I was dropping my son off to his 5 day spring camping trip 4 hours away from me. I noticed I was focusing on missing him and his safety.  Not feeling that great I began to take my morning stroll on FB and began seeing all these tragic stories of cancer and fatal car crashes. I began to spiral down and get even more tense around leaving my son.  I continued to look on FB offering prayers to the people involved in the tragedies and noticed I began to look for more tragedies to align with my point of focus. Agh. Reading or watching other people’s tragedies can be an addiction that is wrapped up in aligning with our own negative point of focus … This has everything to do with losing your VOICE!

What I noticed in my voice was that I felt like I had a tightening in my throat and that I didn’t want to speak. 

While sending prayers or positive thoughts are a kind gesture and can be a contribution to people in troubled times, we must offer them without the expense of our own vibrational wellbeing or at the expense of having our brilliancy seen and heard.  Our vibrational wellbeing has a direct link to our physical body which is our vocal instrument.

If you find yourself loosing your voice, unable to communicate, feeling shy to sing or speak, tune into your mood, your feelings and the thoughts you are marinating in. Tune into  whether you are coming across people’s hardships over and over again. Where is your point of focus? Is that point of focus helping you feel open, light, trusting life and expressive or contracted, shut down, negative, shy, unsure and inhibited?

It is not what is happening around you or in your life that will keep you in a brilliant and positive expression but your Point Of Focus! 

There are two components in life that can help us gain a positive Point Of Focus to keep our voices open and free to express ourselves.

  1. FAITH

Faith is the ability to trust the bigger picture. Faith is the ability to trust that the “tragedy” around us is a creation in life that has some contribution even though we may not know it yet. Faith can give us relief that everything is going to be ok and that on some level everything is as it seems and nothing is as it seems.  In my life faith in the unseen world helps me keep a positive point of focus so that my body, mind and spirit stay present in what I can be, know or do to be a contribution in my day. Your voice and brilliant expression has a lot to do with that contribution.

Letting go is essential in life and it is pivotal to gaining a strong voice and brilliant expression. Surrendering to the mystery helps you let go and move on with your greatest contribution to the day. The only contribution holding on to the tragedies you have witnessed or the negative feelings that have arose in you offer is a strong contrast to reach for something that feels better. Wanting to feel better, whether it’s wanting to get expressed and have a strong voice or whether it is to get out of a depressed slump takes a letting go and reaching for a better feeling thought.  Thoughts of appreciation can help you begin the letting go process in a potent way!

All this being said… This morning as I drove back home after dropping my son off I began to muster up some faith in his awareness and the choices he would make and I began to let go.   I’m feeling a lot better now and my throat is beginning to release.

Where is your Point Of Focus today? What do you feel in your throat and the rest of your body?  

What is blocking your full brilliant expression today? 

Have faith and let go, no go contribute to the day the only way your unique YOU can!





Stress can really get us in a state that at first feels enlivening and exciting.  It’s is that fight or flight response the body goes thru when it needs to “fight off a lion”.  However, left as a default mode, it can not only wreak havoc on our physical body with symptoms such as not being able to sleep,  exhaustion, edginess, unwanted belly fat,  poor digestion so on and so forth, it can also wreak havoc on our self esteem and our ability to “shine bright”.   We can begin to get down on ourselves and depression can set in.

Today I want to share with you a fun way to BLAST STRESS AWAY!

The trick to keeping the fight or flight response balanced in the body is to keep the energy in the body flowing like an even steam. You can do this with your perceptions around what is happening in your life  and you can do this with SOUND!

Lets talk about sound today!

There is a phenomena in the SOUND HEALING  world where you find out the sound of the disfunction in cells, play it back and help them implode and get destroyed. What if we could do that to the build up of energy in our body with stress.  I have been doing this myself as well as with clients and it seems to do a great job in BLASTING STRESS AWAY. 

So this is what you do:

  1. Find a quiet place to “tune in” to you.

    blast away stress

    say goodbye to stress

  2. Then start to feel where there is tension or a heaviness in your body
  3. From there pay attention to that area. As you tune in become aware of the color in that area (if it had a color what color would it be)
  4. Now once you have tuned into the tension and the color begin to see if it has a sound. It may be a groan, a vowel sound or a weird indescribable sound
  5. Would you be willing to give the tension energy a voice without judging the sound that comes out?
  6. Keep making the sound until it begins to shift or soften
  7. Then go to the next sound you that comes up…. and the next

Once you get the hang of this, it is a really easy way to release tension from your perception of stress. I do it in the car, I do it when I’m doing my social networking, in the shower, on my walks. It is a really mobile effective and pragmatic practice to keep your lifeforce energy flowing with ease. When  that lifeforce energy is flowing with ease, the body’s signal for  the “flight or flight” response does not activate and you will not have the cascade effect of the stress response in the body that after a while can really wreak havoc on your sense of wellbeing.

Guess what this means?

You will feel really good. You will have a sense of ease and trust in yourself. You will have the ability to shine bright your true nature that is attractive and sexy in everybody!!

Sing your stress song then go shine bright!!!


