Some say trust is earned.
Some say trust is built

But what trust really is, is a vibrational alignment

Vibrational alignment is ‘like’ frequencies attracting and matching. When we add conscious choice into the equation you are personally building trust in your life and this  is where trust is experienced from others.  Do you trust someone enough to choose consciously over and over again?

What is Trust

Trust is an assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. If trust is an assured reliance of character than one may need to experience the situation over and over to establish trust.  Trust can happen in several directions depending on the vibrational choice of the person in question.  You can trust someone to show up the same way they have always showed up. This can be in a positive character or a negative character.

But how do you trust someone you don’t have much experience with?   In this case trust yourself. Trust the frequency you choose every day to co-create your life with. Are you someone who consciously tunes to love each morning and meditates? Or are you someone who gets out of bed with no conscious thought and races for a cup of coffee -jumping head first into the stress of the day?  If you align with stress in the morning you can trust that more stress and stressed perceptions of people will enter your day. If you start your day aligning with love and tune to peace, you can trust that those are the experiences that you will co create.


The benefits of aligning with love for building trust

When you consciously align with the frequency of love in the morning and throughout your day, you create a resonant field that attracts similar experiences. As a result, you may encounter kind, caring people, “serendipitous” situations, and a sense that things just seem to work out for you. You might also find that when you’re aligned with love, you trust the people in your life more easily and start to believe that life will continue to unfold with ease.


Trust me

When someone says “trust me” how do you feel? Does it put you at ease? Or do you think to yourself, “well buddy you haven’t shown me why I should trust you?”  But what if it’s really about trusting yourself and your own alignment?  When someone says, “trust me, ”  ask yourself  “can I trust my vibration?”    Are YOU feeling trustable, loving, at peace and dependable yourself?  Did you take the time to consciously align for consistent peace and love in your day? If you have, there is a high chance that you can trust the situations and people in your day, even if there seems to be a bit of a hiccup.  Let it ride out and trust it will resolve.


Practices to align yourself  for building trust in your day

  1. Before getting out of bed, surrender your day to love. ” I surrender and serve with love today”
  2. Let out a sound that represents love to you
  3. Shower and ritually wash away all the build up  negative energy
  4. Empty dense frequencies with your voice through vocal “emptying”
  5. Meditate with compassion and love for yourself
  6. Once peace and a loving feeling is reached let out a sound to mark it and fill your field up
  7. Affirm I am aligned with the frequency of love today and I trust that frequency to support my creations today
  8. Clear your field and heart center with a high frequency i.e. 432 hz tuning fork or F note crystal bowl,


Support for  your own vibrational alignment

If your mind perseverates on the same negative story, if you notice your energy and moods fluctuate a lot during the day, and if you find people triggering you a lot, aligning yourself can feel challenging. My ALIGN: Custom Sound Medicine program may be supportive to you!   You can check it out here.