
Speak Your Message & Put On Your Wonder Woman Boots

Are you starting to feel the urge?

Are you beginning to feel the pull?

Is your fear becoming more obsolete?

Are you ready to put on your  Wonder Woman Boots and speak your message?

There is a sensation I am very familiar with.  That sensation is feeling like I am a super hero inside, yet only expressing a small small part of that bigness. Can you relate? I felt it a long time ago as a kid and the contrast created a lot of illness and discomfort in my body!  NOT FUN!!

If you are feeling a potential energy in yourself, what would it take to be all of that? What would it take to let it be expressed.

Not only may you begin to feel better in your body and mind but you will begin to shape your reality in a direction you want to see it.

I feel like this blog is timely in that our uniqueness and our differences are what is required on the planet right now to grow the equality and allowance on the planet. Your VOICE MUST BE HEARD IN ALL IT’S AUTHENTICITY AND UNIQUENESS!!

Your Wonder Woman Boots waiting. No one can wear them like you can.  No one can say the message you are burning to share like you can, even if it is a similar message to someone else’s

What would happen if you put them on and walked out in public with them?  

You may get ridiculed, laughed at, judged and mocked and you may get celebrated, adored, thanked and honored.  Either way, you win, because you released some of the contrasting energy between your inner and outworld. You win because you faced your fear.  You win because you released the pressure of the contrast in your life and  now you can expand to the next contrasting moment in you life to work thru and expand and so on and so forth.  Life is ever expanding. When you are not willing to expand with it, you begin to feel awful. You begin to get sick and depressed.

Tool box time:

A little tool you can remember to help you get those boots on and face the fear  so you can speak your message anyway is the  “Sacred Cross” 

-Ground your feet into the earth – feel her support, Open your crown to the heavens – feel the support from life force above and all around,   Lengthen your right arm tuning into all that makes you unique – feel the strength of you, Lengthen your left arm and remember all the skills you have acquired, all the experiences you have collected- feel the support from all of it.    Feel the support and let the fear go

Another little tool you can remember is to drain all the fear energy out of your mind by “Interesting Point of View” 

-Whenever a judgmental thought (for self or other) comes to your mind, simply say to your self, “Interesting point of view I have this point of view”. And whenever you become aware of someone else’s judgements simply say to your self, “Interesting point of view they have that point of you”.   This will take the wind right out o the sail of that judgmental thought!


Are you ready to put on your Wonder Woman boots?  Are you ready to voice your message from the mountain tops? Does it feel like yours to do?   I’m hear to say …





All the best,


Voice Your Brilliance 







A Song a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A song a day

Forego the apple and insert a SONG!   A song a day keeps the Doctor away!

Singing has so many unsung benefits. On top of these it also can give you so much information about whether you are comfortable in your own skin and trust yourself!

When I was in my early 20s there were many low moments. It was at this time that I was beginning to play the guitar and sing a long to what I was playing. I didn’t put two and two together for a long time but when I did, I began to realize after singing I always felt better. I always felt more present and able to let go of my past story and I’ve noticed thru the years that even though I hadn’t been running or climbing a mountain for exercise, my aerobic ability was high. Now I know why

Singing Helps:

  • Induce the body to produce oxytocin which helps reduce stress
  • Improve your cardiac rhythm reducing risk of heart disease
  • Train the stomach muscle
  • Strengthens your immunity by increasing the concentration of immunoglobulin A
  • You breath deeply and evenly promoting proper breathing
  • Produce endorphins the “happy hormone”

If you are a closet singer, have you noticed some of these benefits?

Research is also showing these benefits show up even more with group singing.  Do you a some friends to sing with?

Its pretty cool seeing the biology of how singing can contribute. However I’ve also noticed thru the  past 20 years of being a singer / songwriter /performer that it also has been a great barometer for helping me build awareness of where I am holding myself back, what is negatively effecting me and  where my body could use some assistance in releasing tightness.

So as you sing your song a day with or without a group enjoy the great physical benefits and while you do, begin to notice what thoughts are arising, where do  you feel a bit of resistant in your body or mind and could you show up even more for the song.

In my experience it has been helpful to have a journal near by because a lot seems to unfold, unleash and release… write it down. It is is great information for transformation!

A song a day keeps the doctor away.  Happy Singing!


Resources reviewed: