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12 Practices For 12 Days of LIGHT
From Rebecca Abraxas
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1. Candle Meditation
Sit and watch the flame of a candle for 5 minutes. Notice your mind calming down and your nervous system relaxing.
2. I am the LIGHT chant
Chant out loud or silently to yourself, “I am the Light” for 10 min. Chant in a melody or monotone. Do you notice a feeling of lightness afterward?
3. Surya Mudra– Energy of the Sun
With both hands bring your ring finger to the base of the thumb. Then push the thumb on your ring finger to hold it in place. Rest the back of you hands on your thighs. Feel “psychic” sunlight through your whole body. Notice radiance, self-confidence, & focus. This mudra also activates digestion, and metabolism. Practice with caution if you have high blood pressure.
4. Peace Walk
Walk outside in nature for 20 minutes with total presence. Notice your breath, the beauty around you and the placement of each step. Afterward do you notice a growing sense of inner peace?
5. Star Pose
Stand in a straddle with feel facing forward. Bring your arms out to the side parallel to the floor with the palms up. Hold this pose for 5-10 breath. Breath in receive light through your hands, Breath out take the light with in and grow it. Feel yourself radiating light and shining bright. Give this out to the world.
6. Gratitude Breath
Take 10 min to focus on your breathing. Each inhale, notice something you are grateful for and each exhale, release any resistance to feeling gratitude fully. Notice how fulfilled you feel afterward.
7. Ohm Meditation
Sit for 10 minutes or longer and tone the sound ohm. Tone without any judgement of your voice or how it sounds. Receive the power of ohm being sounded out. Notice your nervous system calming, your mind clearing up and your body in a peaceful energized state.
8. Appreciation Page
Find a notebook page or a journal page and title it, “Things I Appreciate Today.” Fill the page with appreciation statements of people, places, things, sensations etc that light you up and that you appreciate. Notice the lightness that comes after doing this.
9. Mirror Practice
Look in the mirror and say out loud 10 times, “I love you no matter what.” Notice if you are able to receive this from yourself. Just notice. Do it 10 more times. Does it get easier to receive your own love for yourself?
10. Ground into Your Light Body
Sit still and notice a spark of lightness in your expand that out. Imagine it expands past your body. Let this spark into your auric field/biofield. See a glowing light around your whole body. Now see a round vibrating ball 18 inches below your feel, ground your field into that ball of light – this is your omega chakra you are grounding into. Notice the sense of lightness and strength you seem to have after doing this.
11. Heart Toning
Tone the sound AHAAA (short “a” to long “a” ) Focus your attention in your chest and heart area. Notice the sensation of kindness, love and light in your heart area. As you tone notice the sensations growing and growing.
12. Light Meditation
Sit in still quiet for 12 minutes. Imagine your spark of light growing and filling your while body. Then let it expand out past your body in streams of light. Now see streams of light come from the universe into your body. See your body, mind, being and spirit as Light. Notice your sense of oneness with all.
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Enjoy the practices. Let me know the one you like the best!
Enjoy your holiday season. Much gratitude for you presence.
- Rebeccca
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