Alignment sessions

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Here’s an interview of Rebecca talking about Vocal Awareness.

Click Here:

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Rebecca’s Crystal Alignment Energy 


Receive * Release * Renew 

Remember Your Greatness! 


Crystal Alignement Energy and Sound Sessions:

Reiki and Voice

After a series of awakening placements from Holy Fire Reiki and the upgrades given from the Marconcis team, Rebecca has turned to a new energy frequency she feels guided to offer at this point in time to assist people during this ascension time on the planet called the Great Awakening.

This energy has a crystalline nature to it and has a very high frequency. She has found that this frequency works well with the vibration that comes through her voice to offer the client alignment to their own highest vibration.  Her sessions offer the client space to align with their highest frequency and help them remember their multifaceted, multidimensional nature.  From here all things are possible.

What to expect

Your body and being will make adjustments as you align with the frequency of your highest and lightest self.  Worst-case scenario, you feel a sense of aliveness, and lightness after our training.  Best-case scenario your whole life begins to change for the better.

This energy works in the quantum field through all dimensions, lifetimes, and realities. It can work with entities, trauma, reprogramming, and untethering. It assists in releasing Karma and upgrading your chakras.

This means that areas that feel stuck in your life or that feel like they are not capable of changing due to the past, trauma and illness can and will change if it is for your highest good. Therefore allowing peace around relationships, your body, your mind, and your connection with your highest self if you so desire.

How does it work

These sessions bypass the thinking mind and the conscious story and go to the frequency seed.

The present moment is required to go beyond the past story or a future projection to another possibility. Yet this can be hard when you are tethered by a big ball and chain from a past story or lifetime that has created tension in your body.

Crystal Alignment Energy goes into the untethering process through quantum vibration to give you more choice around expressing yourself, loving yourself, and enjoying your life!

Sessions are on Zoom or in-person in Lafayette, Co

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Crystal Alignment Energy Sessions


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1hour Alignment sessions $111 in person, $99 remotely


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Alignment Coaching Program 

Renew you: 6-week alignment coaching journey with Crystal Alignment Energy or Marconic no touch sessions, Vocal Awareness work, and Life coaching discovery tools to stay consistent with receiving, releasing, and renewing. An investment in you so you begin living your next Brilliant Possibility.


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Call to schedule your appointment: 303-859-3026


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“Rebecca has a very calming and peaceful energy and has always made me feel at ease during Reiki sessions.  She is extremely knowledgeable and effective in her practice and offers deep and intuitive insight each time. I look forward to my sessions with Rebecca and would highly recommend her to anyone seeking a meaningful, spiritual experience.” Hallie W.

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Other Packages offered:

Family Alignment Circles: Facilitating deep healing for family relationships through Crystal Ascension Energy and Vocal Sound Healing. Helping families and their homes find alignment with their resonant frequency for optimal wellness, joy and ease with family life together on connecting soul journeys.  Particularly good for times of transition or family illness. 90min $250,

End of Life Doula  Package: Sessions offer music, sound healing, energy work, meditation, council and companionship to support the client and their family with not only acceptance of what is before them but also with making amends, forgiveness, life review, celebration and peace with their graceful transition. $125 /60 min

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