What people are saying,
reviews on Rebecca Abraxas’ Private Coaching:
“My experience with my Reiki sessions with Rebecca have been nothing less than incredible. The sense of relaxation and calmness I felt after both were something I have not felt in a very long time. I felt rejuvenated and nourished on a very deep level. A strong sense of vitality and motivation!” Thank you Rebecca!
– Monica Augustine, Energia
“I have had several sessions with Rebecca Abraxas and each one has opened me up in different ways to different possibilities. Here voice is like a magical river that flows through me, knowing where and what to clear and open. She has such a gift! And I love her unique blend of Access Consciousness tools, Reiki, and Sound Healing. Sometimes I leave sessions feeling very peaceful and relaxed. Other times I feel energized and ready to be in action. And each time I get up off her table and move forward in my life I feel more spacious and tapped into my magic. Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your gift with me!”
– Megan Walrod, Founder of “Live Your Yes”
“Rebecca has a really great ability to be gentle and strong at the same time; when I’m spinning like crazy and caught up in my drama, she is able to bring me back to a calmer place where I can start to see more clearly what I can do to actually change the situation instead of just sharing the story and have it remain unchanged. It’s amazing how she can do this without making me feel stupid or a burden. Thank you, Rebecca, for being you!”
– Joylyn Bopp, ND and life coach
“I’m feeling lots of stuff shift, especially in the mental realm, nervous system, beliefs etc. Definitely recommended for the common malady of being strung out on too much thinking. Had my 3rd of 5 Bars with Rebecca – effortless transformation, effortless laughter. Clearly saw what was blocking the flow of creativity and simply …. removed it.”
– William Hughs, Embodied Voice
“With Rebecca’s help, I have realized that my voice is important, that what I have to SAY is important, and above all, that I am important. By not speaking my truth, or expressing it in unhealthy ways, I am not fulfilling my very important purpose here… to love others by truly loving myself first. I am not sure that this work would’ve been as comfortable for me with someone else as it was with Rebecca. There was no judgment, no pressure to figure something out where I wasn’t ready to go… just loving guidance for me to be free to do my own work. I can’t really convey my feelings adequately in words, but if one sentence can sum it up… For me, it was like her heart could hear my heart and there is no greater gift than that”
– Judy Tautenhan, Single mom/Intuitive
For booking speaking or music events or complimentary intro sessions
Call 303-859-3026 or email: Ra@rebeccaabraxas.com
What people are saying,
Reviews on Rebecca Abraxas’ Performance:
“Rebecca has the purest and most amazing clarity of vocal sound–she is a stunning singer and musician. Her open heart of sharing joy and love for life is evident in all her music, and she has touched so many hearts as she has performed live in the Boulder area. Every time she performs at our church she has made a powerful impression on all. She has a new cd coming out– you don’t want to miss out on any of her music!”
-Ron Troester, Music Director Columbine Spiritual Center, Boulder, CO
“I’ve been hosting the Wednesday night open mic at Cannon Mine Coffee in Lafayette, CO for more than 7 years. Rebecca is one of the most talented singer/songwriters I’ve heard… and I’ve heard so, so many. She is always a crowd pleaser and never fails to impress me with her writing, singing and guitar playing. She should be a star! “
—Dan Raymond, President at All Video Production, Inc.
“If there’s one word to describe the music of Rebecca Abraxas, it would simply be ‘sublime’. Her lilting voice penetrates souls and minds, bringing the biggest smiles on the loneliest days. Her songs are insightful and uplifting, telling stories we can all identify with and sharing life’s lessons from the viewpoint of a mother, a teacher, one who has lived and loved and, most importantly, experienced her words. If you have never been to one of her shows, go now. I guarantee you won’t regret it.”
— Joshua Elioseff – Promoter Dancer Productions
“I can offer nothing but praise for Rebecca Abraxas. After a long wait, her new CD The Offering records for posterity some of the songs we at Cannon Mine have heard her perfecting over the last few years. Her skilled use of dynamics first draws the audience close, and then hooks us with a display of range and power that is surprising for one so petite. Rebecca’s expressive guitar playing proves up to the task of matching her considerable vocal gifts. Transcendence through music has clearly been one of the major pursuits of her young life. Though I’ve heard the song dozens of times, her single “Free Me” still gives me goose bumps. Rebecca is an audience favorite. She’s also a management favorite because she is reliable and lacks the ego that too often comes with one who is so talented. She is a professional in every sense and a genuine pleasure to work with. ”
— Mike Usrey, percussionist and talent bookie for Canon Mine Coffee
“Rebecca’s straight from the heart, into your head, song writing capability teamed with her unique vocal style creates a fresh, yet familiar, highly dynamic sweet sound. This artist is one to watch for!”
— Jim Cambell, studio engineer
Top qualities: Personable, Good Value, On Time
“Rebecca has graced our stage with performances which let her beautiful spirit to shine through in the sharing of her songs reflecting on aspects of life we can all relate to.”
— Sheryl Radetsky, Rock n Soul Cafe
“Rebecca is a diligent and energetic creative force. She is open to new ideas and can be easily led into new directions and then take over the reins to bring up fresh angles to all involved. I don’t say this as her husband, which I am, but as one who has worked with her on illustrations and producing music videos. She is an asset to any project, big or small. She takes her part in anything with great reverence to all involved and mostly to the final outcome of what ever goal is intended. She brings all that she has to offer, and then she strives to bring even more.”