1 Tip 2 Tools To Be Your True Self & Massively Impact The World

Be your true self and massively impact the worldDid you know the greatest impact you can make on the planet is thru being your true self?

Sounds good right? But what really is your  ‘TRUE SELF’.   Your true self knows no fears, no limitations, no judgments and knows only possibility.  How often do you not only live from that space of being but also speak from that space of being?  When you are your true self it is a power magnet to what you truly desire in your life which usually includes  some way of impacting the world in a positive way!

It may or may not be easy to be aware of whether you are in your true self. One thing for sure is if you are experiencing fear, limitation, or judgment you are not there.   So if you become aware that you are experiencing these things I have a tip for you.

1 Tip:  Ask, “What is this?”  then ask, “Who does this belong to?”and then      CLEAR THE FIELD!

There is a field around you that scientists are beginning to call the Bio Field. This is the energy around you that proceeds the denser energy of your body. What is in your Bio Field actually affects you.  Interestingly enough not all the energies that are collected in your Bio Field are yours – You see not every thought, feeling and emotion you are experiencing is yours. Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, says that 98% of our thoughts, feelings and emotions actually are someone else’s we picked up along the way to be helpers (if you have this pattern, what would it take to change that and help the world in a different way that is not so destructive to you?)  If we let go of 98% of what we are thinking and feelings what is left? – A lot of our TRUE SELF!! And that is the space where we make our massive impact in the world!

3 Tools:  To Clear The Field

                 1.  Return To Sender –

Once you have an AH HA moment and realize what thoughts, feelings and emotions are not yours you can say “return to sender”.  The unseen world is quit responsive to awareness.  Once you become aware of whats not yours then it’s like shining a flashlight on the dark corners of a closet. You bring light to something that you couldn’t find, you find it and then it can be moved, used or removed. Ultimately you are more choice to be your true self.

                 2.  Physically Clear the Field –

If you have a sense that you are not being your true self you can physically brush your hands down your arms and down your body and say, “I’m clearing the field”. This will clear the field of energy that is not yours. Again, your awareness with your choice to let something go is powerful enough to change what you are experiencing. A lot of that has to do with the fact that most of it is not yours!


Clearing the field is a powerful tool to get to your True Self. The cool part about that is when you speak or sing or express from that space of being there is no fear, no judgment and no limitation, only possibility. Do you have a sense this could make it way more easier to present yourself in front of any room or audience with potency and impact?  Are you willing to be more of you? Are you willing to express more of you? Are you willing to help change the world?


Until next time –

Keep being brilliant!


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