“Brave enough not to care”

Today I was reminded of lyrics from ” Rosalie”, one of the songs on my new CD.  I received a call from a friend distraught about a family encounter.  As we got into our phone call I remembered the words, “….brave enough not to care”.  Singing part of the song to him, I realize that this takes tremendous trust, detachment and courage.

When we are hooked into a very familiar negative pattern of “caring ” for our family, which includes giving our advise when it hasn’t been asked for, we are blinded by our habitual nature and believe we are helping when in fact we are sabotaging our own joy and disempowering and angering the other.  While it is hard to break old habits and beliefs, it’s worth it to start to see, really see, and then to let go of being hooked in.  In essence, we must become brave enough not to care, trusting the flow of other people’s lives, allowing the relationships they are experiencing and releasing the control we want to have.  In doing this, I think it will free up a lot of energy for our own self-care and joy, and as a result we are available to really be there when someone is actually asking for help.

Just a thought from my always-thinking mind… “Rosalie” can be heard on Reverbnation or Cd baby, or here at https://piu.urk.mybluehost.me/website_2acee6ea/?page_id=35.

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