What do you do when you have a powerful message to give but are too inhibited or shy to share it?
Is it time for you to shine and be heard?
I literally was the queen of shyness. In 8th grade I actually got “shyest” in the year book. In school I would sit in the front row so no one could look back at me when I was called on and JUDGE ME. When I was called on, omg, I would go into an anxiety attach and my voice would be hared to hear and crackly. NOT FUN!!
Then something shifted sophomore year in high school. My love for singing (in the SAFE privacy of my room) over came my fear of rejection and my fear of failure. I tried out for the chorus in the school play. Do you know what? I GOT CALLED BACK AND THE PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL SAID,
” Rebecca we had no idea you had such a big voice inside of you!”
What big voice do you have inside of YOU??
If you are shy and inhibited these are the 3 reasons you will never speak up:
- People pleaser
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of failure
The good news is I have a practice that will eradicate these three things and you can have more of a voice in your world!
I dare you to look in the mirror and say, “I love you no matter what” , 5-10 times, 3 times a day, for 30 days!
If you give a practice 30 days it starts to become a habit! You can replace the negative programing from above with something that will create more possibility for your self expression!
Rewiring ourselves with unconditional love helps us take chances and see life as a fun experiment. If we make a mistake its just a fun experiment rather then a failure that keeps us from being loved.
Rewiring ourselves with unconditional love helps us project into the world that other people function from unconditional love too. Rejection can not live in a world of unconditional love!
Rewiring ourselves with unconditional love helps us tune into ourselves more. We begin to put ourselves into the equation of our lives and fill our cup up first. Then from there we contribute to others and rather then trying to please people to be accepted or loved and giving up ourselves, we contribute from a full cup of brilliance and expression.
So I triple dog dare you to say ” I love you no matter what” and see what happens! Begin to notice your voice opening up and notice courage you gain to share your message more often.
All the best!!!