7 Affirmations To Free Your VOICE

free your voice blog bannerWe may not think much of our voice until we have to get up and do a presentation, or get on camera or sing a song. However, each moment our voice has a lot to say.

Your voice can be a window to your soul.  


When your voice is free I venture to say you are feeling more free inside to be your true self. When your voice is free you have a confidence and ease with showing up and being heard. At least this is what I have experienced.   Thru the years here are some affirmations I have used to stay open with my voice when I have been on stage.     May these 7 affirmations to free your voice be a contribution to you!  Your Brilliance can change the world!

  1. My VOICE is my Power
  2. I am being sung by source energy
  3. I expand my energy and let go of judgments
  4. If I can breath, I can talk, If I can talk I can sing
  5. My voice is a unique contribution to the world 
  6. My body is open and free to express my voice
  7. I trust the brilliance that comes thru my voice 

How to use these affirmations:

1-First Aid: When you find yourself feeling self conscious or uncomfortable -contracted in your body and inhibited yet your still aware of  a “green light” energy of “go do this”, pick one of these affirmations to use or several. Use them on the spot!

2-Personal practice: If you are aware of a specific pattern that shows up you can pick the affirmation that lights you up and say it as a mantra practice morning and night. Say it 10-30 times at a sitting. (or in the car, this is were I get a lot of my transformational practice done LOL)  This will help you rewire your experience with using your voice.

With these affirmations under your belt you will begin to find more ease with your video blogs, speaking in a room full of people, making a presentation or even with speaking to your children.

I love questions. IF you have any let me know in the comments!


Could you use more help with freeing your voice?  I offer Vocal empowerment sessions that are a deep transformational journey of self discovery to free your voice I would love to support you!

  • All the best



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