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Did you ever notice that after hearing someone speak you either trust them or you don’t.
Did you ever notice that after listening to some one talk, you felt a “yes, I must work with this person”.
Have you ever been curious why this is?
For me I’ve noticed that if people are willing to be seen and heard then I have more of a desire to listen to them. I’ve also noticed that people do things with their voice that make me go,” NOPE, not a match”. While this can be a subjective topic I have noticed that there are certain behaviors that can deter people from wanting to learn more about you.
Here are 3 ways to use your voice to PUSH clients away.
- Squeak
- Shut down
- Moan
These sound kind of funny, right?
I know, However I’ve noticed business men and women do these 3 things!
So lets talk about SQUEAKING: Squeaking is being stuck in your people pleasing voice with a high pitch and up swings at the end of every statement. Using your voice this way creates a tone of “not sure” and does NOT build a sense of authority with your audience or clients.
To remedy this ask : Do I believe in my self worth? Do I believe in what I am sharing? Do I believe in myself? Am I expressing that?
Then try opening up the space from where you are speaking from allowing the chest voice to ground the high pitch.
What Is SHUT DOWN: Shut down is when you are speaking but you are putting your head down and your shoulders may even be curled in. The speech sounds a bit mumbled and it is hard to hear. Using your voice this way creates an air of, “I don’t want to be seen or heard” or “I”m scared to be seen or heard” either way it DOES NOT establish trust in your potential clients.
To remedy this ask: Am I in alignment with what I am sharing? Do I believe in what I am doing? How old am I being when I don’t want to be heard? Who am I being?
Then try speaking with your head up and shoulders back. Increase your volume by expanding your voice thru your whole head and chest area.
Now on to MOANING: Do people really moan in networking events or business meetings? Yes they do and it is extremely difficult to listen to EVEN if they have good content to share. It is a low grumbly tone that is drawn out and usually rambles on. Your clients will run from this. They do not have time for rambling nor do they want to be around heaviness.
To remedy this ask: What is the point I want to make? Am I getting my communication needs met before I come to my business events? Could I use more time with friends and family being honored and heard? Am I fully expressed.
Then try lightening your voice by bringing your speaking from your chest into your mouth and head a bit. Try thinking of your favorite things and lighten up your attitude and mood before going into your event this will lighten your voice and be more inviting to clients. Also try leaning forward in your chair when you speak.
These 3 Ways to Use your Voice to PUSH Clients away can easily be remedied by a little practice and awareness.
Each one of our messages matter. Our uniques brilliance is a huge contribution to the world. Sometimes we just get in a habit of speaking that isn’t getting our great message across. Play, practice, become aware, try something different and new, get a vocal coach .. what ever it takes … There is always another possibility