Have you ever noticed that it is easier to speak about things you know about and that are near and dear to your heart?

Have you noticed the opposite too?  When you are not in align with what matters to you,  have you noticed that your level of expression and the potency of your voice diminishes?

I recently lost my voice. I woke up one day and it was not there, at all!

I began soul searching and a few things came up for me. One, I realized the way I was speaking in my relationship with my children was not in alignment with my heart or my highest self.   Two, I began noticing that I’ve been having a calling with my voice for a long time.. years… that I was ignoring.  Hence,  my body shut my voice down until I got the message.

I finally got it!

I’ve been making changes with my vocal expression with parenting and it feels really good and my boys are responding!  I’ve also made the choice to switch from songwriter to sound healer. Just making the choice my voice has been less strained and so much is showing up in my sound healing sessions.  It is so Cool!!

I want to ask you, Is your voice as open as you would like it? Does your voice feel strained?  Are you able to express yourself fully and feel really good?  Do you feel like a potent speaker or singer? If not, you may want to explore what this is.

Using the questions:   What is this?     What am I most aligned with ?   Am I following my heart? What can I change to be and do what I am most aligned with?

My hypothesis is that Your voice will open up and your body expression will ease fully unfold when you are aligned with what matters to you. You no longer will have to convince people. You no longer will have to use a “Push” energy to get results.

You and your voice will BE the energy of potency. From there you will make your impact in a powerful way!


Rebecca Abraxas, Access Your Voice