With today’s marketing world, it is becoming apparent that video is essential.

Are you ready for the challenge of becoming a video presence?

If your answer is NO, then you are not alone.  In starting our Video Production company last year, we gave a lot of talks about the value of business. People in the audiences could see the value of video marketing, yet their most prominent question was, “Do I have to be in my video?”

To BE  in my video or NOT to BE in my video

The answer to that question is two fold, yes and no. 

You see, the value of a video is to create a connection, engage  with your audience and build trust with a prospective client.  Being in your video is the best way to do this. When you are willing to be in your own video to represent your business, you give a personal  and emotional connection to your audience on your website, as well as increase the trust factor.

That being said, it is not imperative to be in every video. There are other ways of getting your message across.  One way is to just be the voice on the video and forego being on camera. Some other ways  are to create the content and have a spokes person be the presence of your company, have your clients’ reviews speak about your business or do a white board animation.

Personally, I like to see the person I will be working with in the video.   This summer I was looking for dentists and orthodontists for my sons and none of them had personal videos. The only videos were unengaging explainer videos on various techniques and some review videos with clients.  To see the personality of the person you will be working with is invaluable and  a great tool for prospective clients to make a connection and choose! 

Ahh, How do I bite the bullet and get On Camera?

These days there are many people in the field of On Camera Coaching.   With just several sessions, you may find the ease, confidence and potency you are looking for to represent your business in your video!

Some things you may learn in your sessions are things about posture, body language, breathing, where to look, how to speak and new perspectives to try out.

Some of us On Camera Coaches like to take it a bit further and go for a bit deeper dive.  Some questions I would ask you in a session are, “What are you afraid of that may be outdated?”, “What judgments are you holding from others that are keeping you from getting on Camera?”,  ” Are you willing to be seen?”  ” What Voice/belief do you hear in your  mind that stops you from showing up fully on Camera? , “If you didn’t have to “get it right” or “be perfect” could you get on camera?”

This deeper dive assists the  process of letting go of limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that once released opens up the possibility for more ease, confidence and potency in giving your message ON CAMERA or in front of any audience.

Play in front of the Camera

Another tip I would give is to remember a moment in your life when you were a child playing.  Tune into how carefree, confident and bold you may have been. Now what would it take to bring that same energy to the camera.  We all have engaged in pretend play when we were little. What if we brought some play to our work. Could you regard sitting in front of a camera as a pretend play scenario and have fun. Be Bold. Be Confident.  Be Carefree. Get your message across.

One thing is for sure, within the next few years, marketing videos will be essential for your business. Whether you are in  your videos or not is up to you, However,  it is important to keep in mind that it does make for a more potent marketing tool if you are in it and that there is support out there for you to get comfortable and confident ON CAMERA!

Wishing you the best!