Body Language To Make You Go from Good to GREAT!
What if YOUR body language is what it will take to make your public speaking go from good to GREAT?
There are a lot of techniques to follow. There are ways so move your hands and arms. There are postures to avoid and stances to use for public speaking. However, it is my point of view that YOU have the best body language for YOURmaterial.
That doesn’t mean go up there crossed arm, shoulders slumped and gazing at the floor while you are talking to people. What I mean by YOUR body language is the posture, stance and gestures you use that are natural to YOU when all the static of fear and anxiety are out of the way. YOUR Body language will be authentic and trustable. When learning the “right way” to move and stand it becomes stale and mechanical and uncomfortable to watch. The result? You ultimately loose the connection with your audience you were hoping to make.
YOU have a unique and powerful way of being in your body and it is unique to your embodiment. Your potent body language will come thru naturally once you release and move past some of the influences that are locking you up. In looking at where to put your energy and practice time to become a potent speaker, my advise would be to put it into personal growth and transformation.
What would it take to release the limiting patterns of anxiety and fear? What would it take to get over stage fright and low self esteem and be comfortable in your body in front of an audience?
The first step is to recognize you want a different experience and the second step is to choose something different.
Once you are on board with yourself that being anxious and scared DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU ANYMORE, you will begin to do what ever it takes to choose something different!
You will begin to get really good at noticing your limiting patterns and when you notice them it’s time to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. If your limiting thoughts of “I’m not good enough” or “I suck at this” come whirling up in your mind, have a go to phrase or question to say to your self to shift gears and deactivate the energy of the negative circuitry that is happening in your brain. Each time you do this you will be creating a new experience in your brain, creating a new possibility of behavior in your body and the anxiety and fear will begin to go away and not control you.
Some phrases you can use are:
Clear and Cut Cancel
Interesting point of view What else is possible?
These phrases can be used when you become aware of body reactions too. If you notice you are sweating or trembling use your phrase to begin to shift this response. If you notice your nervous habit of twirling your hair or fiddling with your fingers – 1) bring awareness to it 2)use one of the phrases and 3) begin to change the pattern.
What would it take to use YOUR body language to make your public speaking go from good to GREAT? A desire to change, a developing awareness of your limiting habits, a strategy to shift the pattern and some patients with yourself.
Wishing you the best as you dive a little deeper and allow more of the brilliant expression of YOU unfold!