I have had some interesting experiences at networking events lately. What I noticed was at the end of the 30 – 60 second spiel people close with their name, their title and their companies tag line which is a great way to close. However, when they were doing their close their head was down, and they were beginning to sit down as they were speaking which made it hard to hear what they were saying. Not only was it hard to hear it was also hard to receive energetically what they were conveying.
Lets talk about the voice first. You will be heard best when your body is in the “Open Flute” position. Meaning head up and posture straight. The open flute also has a sound hole so the sound can clearly be heard. For you this is your mouth. So when your mouth is open when you are speaking as opposed to somewhat closed lips with your head down your words and your message will be heard more clearly. When the head and chin are tilted down as you bend your body to sit down, you are compromising the ability for the body to produce an effective sound for your important message. Let your voice be heard with a straight posture and a open mouth. This will help you communicate a clear vocal message.
Now let’s go to the body language. When you are giving your message while beginning to sit down with your head tilted down you are conveying a message of, “I don’t want to be seen”. Other messages I got from witnessing this body language were, “I’m full I don’t want any more business and /or I am not confident with what I am doing”. “I go thru the actions but I’m not into what I do.” Is this what you want to be conveying to potential referrals? I didn’t thinks so. So when you are closing your 30 -60 sec. spiel stand tall and embody your business, look around and make eye contact and pause when you are done to be seen.
Networking events take time out of your day. Make sure you are making the most of them by using a voice and a presence that is helping people “get” you and your services you offer. Do not waste your time with a mumbled message and a body language that is deterring people from your business.
If you find it hard to be seen and heard and do the things I am suggesting here, I can help! I can do Vocal Empowerment sessions in person or on the phone.
All the best at your next Networking event!!
Rebecca Abraxas, Vocal Empowerment Coach/ Personal Paradigm Shifter