Transform Your Self With Your Voice

 Transform your Self with your voiceThe voice is used to speak language, to sing, to express emotions, to chant, to scream and, yes, it can also be used to transform your self.

Jill Purce, one of the leading pioneers in researching the effects of sound and voice on matter said, ” Sound is an incredibly powerful force…there were ways of using the voice which were the easiest ways of transforming and becoming clear, entering a state of clarity and emptiness and being present.”  She also has mentioned that the Tibetan Monks view the a human being as body, mind voice, voice being that which coordinates the body and mind.

Many past cultures have used vocal chanting and singing to transform and to actualize their realities. Sadly, we have lost that practice in today’s modern culture. Many professionals in our modern cultures today may find using the voice to sing or chant somewhat of a “woo woo” practice. However, with the studies of sound therapy, cymatics, and vibroacoustical therapy, we may begin to see the value of using our voices to transform the resistance, the blocks and  the stuckness in our careers, dream launching and relationships.

Your voice has a healing vibration:

Your voice is a wave of vibration. When you use your voice, you not only hear and receive that vibration with your ears but you also receive that vibration on the inside as well. Very powerful since the rest of your cells are vibrating as well. The sounds you marinate yourself in effect the vibration of the cells.

What vibrational impact might your voice have on your body if your mind was continually participating in judgmental thoughts?  If you thought those thoughts for years and years what symptoms might your body give you to tell you something is not jiving with it?

You have the ability to use voice and sound to transform not only your body but the limiting belief systems that are creating your reality as well. You have the ability to use your voice to sound out vowels over and over again to reset some of the frequencies that are creating things you don’t desire.

Would you like to change your discomfort or fear of being seen and heard? Would you like to trust yourself, have confidence and speak dynamically? Would you like to be an uplifter?  Would you like to contribute to the world in an amazing way?

I believe you can.

Thru using your voice to tone and chant you can begin to get back in tune with your authentic vibration. The vibration that is in tune with nature and source energy. From there not only with your voice transform but also your life. Your voice truly is your power.

For more information using your voice to transform your self,  your career and your life

I invite you to join me for a FREE intro call.

All the best!

Now go out there and sing OM for the next 20 min!



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