Your Losing Your Voice with Your Addiction To Tragedy!


Whether your voice is flowing ease fully or it is locked up and tongue tied it is a reflection of where you are putting your POINT OF FOCUS.

I was reminded of that today as I was dropping my son off to his 5 day spring camping trip 4 hours away from me. I noticed I was focusing on missing him and his safety.  Not feeling that great I began to take my morning stroll on FB and began seeing all these tragic stories of cancer and fatal car crashes. I began to spiral down and get even more tense around leaving my son.  I continued to look on FB offering prayers to the people involved in the tragedies and noticed I began to look for more tragedies to align with my point of focus. Agh. Reading or watching other people’s tragedies can be an addiction that is wrapped up in aligning with our own negative point of focus … This has everything to do with losing your VOICE!

What I noticed in my voice was that I felt like I had a tightening in my throat and that I didn’t want to speak. 

While sending prayers or positive thoughts are a kind gesture and can be a contribution to people in troubled times, we must offer them without the expense of our own vibrational wellbeing or at the expense of having our brilliancy seen and heard.  Our vibrational wellbeing has a direct link to our physical body which is our vocal instrument.

If you find yourself loosing your voice, unable to communicate, feeling shy to sing or speak, tune into your mood, your feelings and the thoughts you are marinating in. Tune into  whether you are coming across people’s hardships over and over again. Where is your point of focus? Is that point of focus helping you feel open, light, trusting life and expressive or contracted, shut down, negative, shy, unsure and inhibited?

It is not what is happening around you or in your life that will keep you in a brilliant and positive expression but your Point Of Focus! 

There are two components in life that can help us gain a positive Point Of Focus to keep our voices open and free to express ourselves.

  1. FAITH

Faith is the ability to trust the bigger picture. Faith is the ability to trust that the “tragedy” around us is a creation in life that has some contribution even though we may not know it yet. Faith can give us relief that everything is going to be ok and that on some level everything is as it seems and nothing is as it seems.  In my life faith in the unseen world helps me keep a positive point of focus so that my body, mind and spirit stay present in what I can be, know or do to be a contribution in my day. Your voice and brilliant expression has a lot to do with that contribution.

Letting go is essential in life and it is pivotal to gaining a strong voice and brilliant expression. Surrendering to the mystery helps you let go and move on with your greatest contribution to the day. The only contribution holding on to the tragedies you have witnessed or the negative feelings that have arose in you offer is a strong contrast to reach for something that feels better. Wanting to feel better, whether it’s wanting to get expressed and have a strong voice or whether it is to get out of a depressed slump takes a letting go and reaching for a better feeling thought.  Thoughts of appreciation can help you begin the letting go process in a potent way!

All this being said… This morning as I drove back home after dropping my son off I began to muster up some faith in his awareness and the choices he would make and I began to let go.   I’m feeling a lot better now and my throat is beginning to release.

Where is your Point Of Focus today? What do you feel in your throat and the rest of your body?  

What is blocking your full brilliant expression today? 

Have faith and let go, no go contribute to the day the only way your unique YOU can!




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