2 Simple Steps to Stay in Alignment with Lightness

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Alignment with your authentic self

Are you a person who picks up a lot of heaviness around you? Do you become aware of people’s pain bodies easily? Do you dread public events because you are aware of the negative behaviors of human beings?

Yesterday was a really great awakening around getting in alignment and receiving lightness. Then falling into unconsciousness and receiving my pain body.

In the morning I planned on going to a process dance event with a lot of people. So I “pre-paved” the day. I connected with Reiki and then did an Arch Angel meditation.  Guess what happened?

I aligned with all the light bodies in the room.  I did not take on anyone else’s pain body or heaviness!   It was such a joyous time.

Then fast forward to the later part of the day, I was starting to get tired and I had to pick up my son from his friends house. No pre- paving was done. I fell into default mode of my pain body with parenting. AGH!   My son and I got frustrated with each other. We were unable to see each other’s point of view or be in allowance of each other.  Instead of focusing on his light body, I was focused on the past experiences of parenting him.  It became apparent that I was focused on the pain body rather then the light body.

This gave me a huge AH Ha this morning.  Consciousness is beckoning me to do something different. It is totally in my ability and control to tune into the light bodies of humans around me even in the mundane day to day events.  I experienced it at the dance event. If it can happen there then why can’t it happen anywhere?

You can stay in alignment with your lightness 

It simply is a conscious choice. I made a conscious choice earlier in the day yesterday but then I went on default mode later in the day. Would you be willing to stay conscious and to do what ever it takes to align with the light on the planet rather then the pain. What would it take to contribute that light to the planet?  These are questions I am asking myself.

I am pretty pumped up about this experience of contrast I received yesterday. As a spiritually minded person, personal growth seeker and Reiki Master, I’m excited to have this awareness to create my day from. I’m thrilled to have some deeper awareness around when I go into default mode and focus on the pain body. That said, while this layer of awareness is welcomed, I know I will have some more contrast to play with and will default to the pain body again. However, EVEN if I change only 1% that will make a big difference in my life and the energy I give out to the world. Your 1 % matters too!!

How do you make the change?

Are you a person who picks up a lot of heaviness around you? Do you become aware of people’s pain bodies easily? Do you dread public events because you are aware of the negative behaviors of human beings?  Yes, yes, and yes- me too!

Perhaps it is time to take inventory of where you are aligned and focused. If you have a belief that human behavior is painful and negative it will keep presenting itself as such.  Do you believe that humans are light beings and change can happen quickly? Then that will represent in your life. When we spend a lifetime defining, judging and holding on to the past as a barometer of what, how, when, and where things will show up, then they will. (hint: even a spiritual path or practice can be a definition and filled with judgement) It is important to clear the slate and pre -pave.

Here is a 2 step process to assist with this: 

1- Clear the Slate: Say to your self, “I destroy and uncreate my life, my relationships and my past, now what else is possible? ” – if you find yourself saying “yea but ” there is some ego and attachment wrapped up in there; time to clear the slate of that too 😉

2- Pre – pave – Here are several ways to do this:  1-with a light, Reiki or angel meditation, 2- with working out the details of how the experience is going to go before you experience it, and then say “or something even better”,  3-say to your self, “what energy, space and consciousness can I be, know and do to receive all the lightness  from this experience?”  or 4- you could do some vocal sound healing with OHM several times if you are in a pinch 😉

Want to Learn more about letting go of the pain body?

Join my winter Mentorship program, “The Authentic You”

or  learn more from Eckhart Tolle in this video below:



1 thought on “2 Simple Steps to Stay in Alignment with Lightness”

  1. Thank you Rebecca for your blog. It was very helpful and a wonderful reminder! I liked Eckart’s audio also. I listened to a bit of it! Will finish it soon. You’re doing and sharing great work!

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