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Have you thought that it is just your cross to bare to be uncomfortable with using your voice? Have you thought, “Heck most people have anxiety with singing and public speaking, it’s just something humans go through?”
What if it didn’t have to be!
OMG I was such a shy little girl … most people from my early years get so surprised when I tell them that I am a performer, actor and sound healer. However, when I was a teen, something in me said, “I refuse to live trapped inside my own self!” and I found a way to get out of my cage and get expressed.
I’ve watched many performers and speakers as well as networkers and workshop leaders through the years struggle and panic through presenting what they felt called to share with the world, yet they never reached out for support with feeling better with presenting.
When a conversation starts up around the topic of using one’s voice, most of the time I hear things like: Oh I’m just shy. I just don’t have a voice. OH You don’t want to hear me sing! I just don’t like being in front of people. My parent told me I was too much and too loud.
WHAT !!! If this sounds familiar I challenge you to ask, “What else is possible?” whenever these things come up.
The thing is we can all get way too comfortable in our limitations.
But it does take waking up to making a different choice.
Sometimes it is the waking up and developing the witness side of yourself that is the biggest move you can make and perhaps the most uncomfortable.
So I ask you, “Do you want to feel more free?” , “Do you want to feel more authentically you? “, “Have you missed out on cool opportunities and FUN cause you refused to participate with your voice?”, “Have you not spoken up for yourself in fear of being put down or rejected?” “Are ready to shed the skin of playing small and step into a bigger brighter version of you?”
I have 3 steps for you today ….to get you on your way to freeing you and freeing your voice so you feel more dynamic and confident in any situation cause
1-CHOOSE: What would it take to make the choice for something different? To have something different one must try something different. Are you willing to choose something different: an experience, a coach, a friendship, a meet-up, a perspective etc.
2-NOTICE: Your choice for change will begin to bring you all kinds of awareness. You will start to notice, “Omg there I go again, I said that limiting thought about me again; ah I just made a choice again for my limitation rather then my personal growth” Just notice and keep noticing. Can you notice your self with out judging yourself. Everything you have done and chose up till now has been for your self preservation – brilliant strategies at the time. However, with your waking up process you just begin to notice that you just need an upgrade. Upgrade yourself with gratitude instead of judgement. Then make another choice.
3- ASK: Finally ask for something different, ask for support, ask to grow your noticing skills, ask for experiences to grow your brilliance….. There is no limit to what you can ask for in regard to getting free and expressed. Two questions I love are from Access Consciousness, “What else is possible?” and “How does it get even better?’ Ask these two questions when you are feeling in despair and ask them when things are going great. Do not underestimate the power of a question. Questions open up possibilities to notice, they don’t necessarily need to be “answered” rather they build our noticing skills.
So are you ready to get off the tread mill with the cross you may be bearing with shyness, smallness, low self esteem, no voice, shut down, stage fright. etc?
As always, I wish you all the best and if I can support you in anyway let’s have a chat!
Rebecca’s Reiki & Voice, Reiki/Sound Healing, Holistic Voice Sessions, Positive music