3 Ways To Use Anger To Angle Your Potency

Anger seems to be a lost art! What I mean by that is so many professionals and healers have told us to not be angry. To breath thru your anger. To redirect it. To hit a pillow. However  the energy of anger is immense and it has a lot to offer us!

Today I want to tell you about 3 ways to use anger to angle your potency.

That means, yes you can get mad! You can yell.  You can have your feelings….And what would it take to have awareness around it.  Conscious anger is potent as heaven and hell together- because actually it is both. There is great awareness in Anger – that awareness is part of the divine, source energy. And there is great suffering in Anger – part of that hell realm we know very well because we have disconnected our thoughts and beliefs away from source energy- the source of all suffering.

So next time you get angry see if you can do these 3 things and use your anger to increase your potency and brilliance!!

1- Ask What is this?

2- What am I making important here?

3- Who am I being right now?


Each of these questions will give you information. Important information to bring subconscious belief systems to the surface so you can begin to access and change them.  The anger is the portal to more awareness.  What would it take to have appreciation for your anger?

Just yesterday I used these questions and it is changing our whole family dynamics.

I came up from my Reiki and Yoga Practice all happy and peaceful and was triggered by my son’s resistance to helping out with the house. I eventually got mad- really mad. It was such a contrast from where I just came from. I asked “what is this”  and “what am I making important here?” These questions were able  to lead me to some pretty deep beliefs I was running about my children.  This good information gave me a whole new approach to parenting and to staying in alignment with my own happiness.  Our happiness is our true nature! Our deepest brilliance we can offer people.

Stay aligned with your happiness and you are one potent force!

So don’t push that anger away. Use it to angle your potency, to become more aware, to increase your consciousness, and to create new beliefs to deliberately create your life with!


All the best!




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