Confidence To Lead and to Follow With Your Inner Voice

Have you ever noticed we are in a culture that seems to perpetuate following someone else’s experience and awareness – a culture that preys on our lack of confidence?

Yet there is someone leading!  There is someone taking the leap of faith and swallowing down some courage to write the next book, create the next body of work or make the next inspirational video.

So what do you do to get some of this confidence?

Is it time to lead or to follow with your voice?

Earlier today I was in a crabby mood. I was walking the dog outside on a pretty hike and my mood began to lift and I started to sing the words, “Open to my knowing and step into my power”  What if you were the leader of your own life and you had the confidence to follow your own inner voice?  What if you are leading and following at the same time.

Many People who have written self help books are sharing their inner voice and what worked for them.  What if you used this as inspiration to follow your own inner voice and  not used it as the gospel truth?   No one else knows what is going to work for YOU!   You are so unique.  Some of what you find in a book written by someone else, may work for you- most of it may not- Or if it works it may work for a short time.   One of my coaches, George Carroll of Business School for Change Agents, always encouraged us to modify what ever model he was teaching us, to truly make it our own and make it work for us.  Would you be willing to be the leader of your own life? Would you be willing to trust your inner voice and your inner knowing? Would you be willing to lead from following your own inner wisdom. Write a book about it. Inspire others to trust their knowing too.  Then  VOICE YOUR BRILLIANCE TO THE WORLD. You can have the confidence that no one can voice it like you can!

How do you  find the confidence to lead and to follow? 

Here is a quick tool:

On a blank sheet of paper list  what is holding you back from trusting you.

To bring up this awareness ask yourself the question, “What is holding me bank from trusting my own inner voice about _________?”

Write down what ever comes up for you, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. Then ask, “Is this relevant to the present day I am living in? ”

Make the choice to live in the present with confidence by saying, ” I take back my power now and expand into all my possibility”

You can do this exercise as many times as you feel it is necessary to feel a shift.

All the best to you!

For more tools and practices to develop the confidence to lead and to follow so you can

 Voice Your Brilliance  join Voice Your Brilliance Monthly Membership! 



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