Whole Singing: take the time and make the room

Blog #5 WHOLE SINGING: Take the Time and Make the Room

…as adults we need to give our attention to a side of ourselves that is mystical, cosmic and spiritual

There are lots of ways to play as an adult.  Sometimes, it looks like child’s play.  For example, giving yourself permission to run thru the fall leaves. However, playing as an adult doesn’t always have to look like frolic. It may look like solitude, walks, time with ruins or tarot. It may look like crafting or a retreat. What I am getting at is, somehow, as adults we need to give our attention to a side of ourselves that is mystical, cosmic and spiritual –our higher selves.

It is important we take the time and make the room for this quality of ourselves to flow thru us easefully if we want to sing openly and confidently.  Here is an activity you can do to make room for this quality I am talking about.  Take a moment to think of a “heart word;” meaning a positive feeling word, for example: Love.  Then put the phrase “I am “ in front of it. Sit for 5-20 minutes saying this simple phrase to yourself.  Notice if there is a shift in how you feel in your emotions and in your body.  There is a big possibility that you will feel hopeful, loved, loving, content, peaceful etc.  Simple activities like the above activity can get you on your way to taking the time and making room for your higher self to take over for a little while.  This is what I refer to as Whole Singing.

So take the time to do an exercise like this before you sing and take note of the quality of the sound and the openness from which you are singing.  It will put a big smile on your face!

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