SOOOO, What is stopping you?

We are all really good at having our points of view and our perspectives about what would make the world great and what would help the planet. But when it comes to Speaking that out loud to a group of people, well sometimes the bright passion tends to fizzle out in the interpretation from our heart to our voice.
Have you noticed that your passion once it leaves your mouth can get a serious tone to it? Have you noticed that you may get righteous or pushy? Have you noticed that your heart voice is quite loud and exuberant yet comes out thru your voice in a timid quiet manner?
What does it really take to speak your passion out Loud in the lightness you have in your heart?
You can learn all the technique in the world but if this one thing is not addressed you will continue to have a gap between the passion in your heart and the passion in your voice.
This one thing is….. your “GIVE A SHIT METER”
The Give a Shit Meter has to do with how much YOU care what OTHERS ARE THINKING OF YOU. A good indicator that your Give a Shit meter is TOO HIGH is that you are trying TO GET IT RIGHT or that your trying to BE PROFESSIONAL or BE GOOD ENOUGH.
When your Give a Shit Meter is too high it’s time to step back and ask yourself some simple questions in the vein of: What is this about? How old was I when I bought into this? Is it safe to not get it “right”? Asking questions like these will bring awareness to whether or not these beliefs are pertinent to your current moment in time – most of them are way outdated! Just this awareness can bring your Give a Shit Meter way down!
So what does it take to speak your passion out loud? The ability to care SO much about sharing your message to the world that you don’t care what anyone else thinks. When you have the willingness to be the holy fool-to do or be whatever it takes to express the passion in your heart and contribute to others – it is a great indicator that your Give a Shit Meter is nice and low, just where you want it!
– Rebecca Abraxas, AccessYourVoice