How To Love your Fear of Public Speaking Away
Even the most empowered person can face fear of public speaking once in a while especially when faced with presenting to an audience. Statistics say that fear of public speaking is the nations #1 phobia. 3 our of 4 people experience fear of public speaking; so you are not alone. With this fear comes extreme self doubt.
It is interesting how educated professionals who are amazing at what they do freeze up when asked to speak about what they do. What is that about?
One of the ways to look at this fear and doubt is to take a look at where you may be over emphasizing a core belief. This may require some soul searching but it is well worth it.
Here are some common core beliefs that can trip people up when they are in front of an audience and have fear of public speaking.
1) Fear of failure
2) Not good enough
3) Fear of rejection
4)I’m not interesting
All these common beliefs stem from one root, unconditional love or the lack there of.

To begin to get past these core beliefs begin to turn them around on yourself.
What happens if you fail? Can you forgive yourself?
If your not perfect, can you giggle and be ok with yourself?
Will you always be there for you if if your not perfect?
Are you interesting to yourself? IF not then why are you doing what you are doing?
Are you willing to love yourself no matter what? From there you may start to see some changes in your fear level.
Now imagine watching a public speaker. Do you judge them? Do you put them down for doing a poor job? Do you reject them and walk out? If they are not interesting in their talk do you think they are a worthless person?
Sometimes when we are hard on ourselves we are pretty hard on others. When we are pretty hard on others it’s pretty easy to think they will be hard on us. You can change this around by exploring your level of unconditional love for yourself – you’ll love your self without judgement no matter what!
Maybe create a morning affirmation such as, ” I love you no matter what ” and say it while you look at yourself in the mirror. I know this sounds a little corny but do you want relief from your fear? Are you willing to do what ever it takes?
Unconditional love for yourself will begin to help you release your self judgment and release your fear of public speaking. Like the domino effect If you can cultivate self love then you begin to cultivate love for others and realize we are all in this together and there is no reason to be fearful.
Guess what happens when you take the reins of fear like this? Your voice opens up to more possibility!!
Exciting stuff!!
Questions? feel free to comment. I’m happy to facilitate!
All my best,
Rebecca Abraxas, Access Your Voice