#1 Key To Go From Grumpy to Great

Feeling Grumpy?

Is this part of your brilliance?

While I do agree sometimes with being present with what is, there are moments in our life where grumpy is just not going to cut it. Being grumpy in front of a room full of people you have to do an inspiring speech to or getting on camera for your marketing video or being a chaperone for your first graders field trip … Sorry Grumpy is not just not going to cut it!

I’m glad you came here today because I have a tool for you to use that is my #1 key to going from grumpy to great!  I have visited grumpy a lot and this is what I have found to help! I have used this so many times when I was in a grumpy space and I had to get on stage with a big audience in front of me, Yikes.   You know what? It has worked every time for me and has allowed me to engage and connect vulnerably with my audience. I’m so grateful!  I hope you have fun with this and helps you go from grumpy to great in a pinch!


You see being grumpy, comes from buying into a reality of a past story, pattern, judgment or belief – yours or someone else’s. It doesn’t matter if it is yours or someone else’s this tool will work.  When we “buy into”  a story on an energetic level it becomes dense, energy contracts. At least that is how I see it.

 Your natural state of being is an infinite being of source energy that vibrates high and expands far and wide.

When we are in a grumpy space part of us doesn’t believe in this expanded version of ourselves and we sense a contracted dense heavy space of being. It tends to not feel too good, unless we are so used to it it becomes what is more comfortable then feeling expanded and light.

When you feel this grumpy heavy sensation instead of going more into the story of it all see if you can expand the heavy dense energy you feel. Ask for your energy to expand out to the 4 corners of the room you are in, if you are able to do that and it feels a little lighter, then expand it even further past the town you are in, past the state, then the country, now to the stars.

Would an infinite being feel heavy and contracted?  By expanding your energy you are revisiting and remembering the greatness you are and the space of glorious beingness that is always there for you to be.  You can always revisit a story if you want to later. But for now if you require your mood and energy to shift to be brilliant, dynamic and confident in what the present moment is requiring of you – EXPAND YOUR ENERGY!

This may seem simple, but the unseen world response to intensions, thoughts and energy. So if it could be simple and easy, would you be willing to allow it to be so. Would you be willing to believe in your brilliance to shift and change on a dime. Would you be willing to choose your greatness?

Questions?  I’m happy to hear them!!   Just comment below

All the best,


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