Today I want to share with you a fun way to BLAST STRESS AWAY!
The trick to keeping the fight or flight response balanced in the body is to keep the energy in the body flowing like an even steam. You can do this with your perceptions around what is happening in your life and you can do this with SOUND!
Lets talk about sound today!
There is a phenomena in the SOUND HEALING world where you find out the sound of the disfunction in cells, play it back and help them implode and get destroyed. What if we could do that to the build up of energy in our body with stress. I have been doing this myself as well as with clients and it seems to do a great job in BLASTING STRESS AWAY.
So this is what you do:
- Find a quiet place to “tune in” to you.
say goodbye to stress - Then start to feel where there is tension or a heaviness in your body
- From there pay attention to that area. As you tune in become aware of the color in that area (if it had a color what color would it be)
- Now once you have tuned into the tension and the color begin to see if it has a sound. It may be a groan, a vowel sound or a weird indescribable sound
- Would you be willing to give the tension energy a voice without judging the sound that comes out?
- Keep making the sound until it begins to shift or soften
- Then go to the next sound you that comes up…. and the next
Once you get the hang of this, it is a really easy way to release tension from your perception of stress. I do it in the car, I do it when I’m doing my social networking, in the shower, on my walks. It is a really mobile effective and pragmatic practice to keep your lifeforce energy flowing with ease. When that lifeforce energy is flowing with ease, the body’s signal for the “flight or flight” response does not activate and you will not have the cascade effect of the stress response in the body that after a while can really wreak havoc on your sense of wellbeing.
Guess what this means?
You will feel really good. You will have a sense of ease and trust in yourself. You will have the ability to shine bright your true nature that is attractive and sexy in everybody!!
Sing your stress song then go shine bright!!!