Cultivating A Voice For Spiritual Leadership


Many of us are feeling the call to step into leadership. However, many are leaving corporate America and leadership positions to fulfill a different leadership position – that of Spiritual leadership.  Whether you feel the call to be an energy healer, spiritual keynote speaker or sound bath practitioner, I applaud you for trusting and following the call. That said the voice of a spiritual leader is different than other leadership roles. It requires a different set of skills that one doesn’t get from schooling or book study. It is a set of skills that are acquired from healing and daily practice.

5 Stages To Cultivate A Voice For  Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual leadership isn’t linear and it is not proof based. It doesn’t have bullet points or consistent  ways of teaching. It is about moving everything else aside and being the love of the ALL and speaking from there in complete trust and surrender.  The only consistency is your connection to your Higher Self.   But how does that occur? Here are 5 stages, that I put together that seem to be a process that can work. But remember there are no absolutes in spirituality except the Allness that we all are.

Step 1:

Awaken to the Truth of you

The truth of you has nothing to do with being a lightworker or a starseed. It is not your title or experience of being a Reiki master or life coach.  It is not any title or role.  The truth is the wholeness of love you are. And when you truly awaken to that, you can talk, sing and express for the highest good in front of anyone.

Step 2:

Detox All the False Identities

Once you know the truth of you, than you can go in and detox/ empty the programming in the subconscious/unconscious mind. Each identity you hold in the psyche has many anchoring beliefs that keep you unsure, afraid, in judgment and ultimately from your spiritual center. When this is cleared,  you function very differently. You speak differently and the tone of your voice become different.

Step 3:

Surrender to Your Highest Self

Surrender means function from the present moment. Function from the extension of God you are – From love.  When you surrender, you start to see more and more the truth of love in everyone else.  You become the “holy fool”  speaking for the highest good and “God’s /Love’s will instead of the will of the Ego/ pain body.  You start recognizing the difference between the Ego’s will and Love’s will.

Step 4:

Sustain High Consciousness Alignment

You can’t lead people spiritually if you are not practicing high conscious living.  Being a ping pong ball to emotional reactivity and being the effect of other’s  judgement must be healed before stepping into spiritual leadership. One must learn the difference between the Ego’s reactions and the call of Spirit. One must be able to not be swayed easily and be able to hold the peace and love within one’s heart.  It is important to know that people are just a reflection of what you are holding in your own heart and mind.  Everyone is  a blessing to heal from or celebrate with.

Step 5:

Open the Voice

This is the last step because really after working steps 1-4 the voice follows in a flowing natural way. But it can be helpful to know how to open the physical instrument of the voice for more possibilities.  I think opening the voice prematurely can  put too much attachment on a “pretty sound”  or a ‘good’ Speaking voice. This perception only strengthens the ego and self judgement.  Really  the spiritual voice unfolds naturally through an evolutionary awakening healing process.

The Role of the Spiritual Leader

In my opinion the role of the spiritual leader is to see the truth of the person or group in front of them and to lead them into an experience to help them remember the truth of themselves. If you have not healed yourself deep enough, you still will project your subconscious onto the person in front of you and not see the light of them but the brokenness of them. Hence the daily healing journey for the spiritual leader is imperative.  The spiritual leader is living life as a student and teacher simultaneously and perpetually.

Part 2

In part 2 of Opening the Voice of the Spiritual Leader. I’ll offer a 5 step process to use daily to sustain your your highest vibration of love and thereby the love frequency in your voice.  From there,  words and sounds come to you effortlessly for spiritual guidance and experiences to serve others.

For custom sound medicine to detox or  for spiritual mentoring visit Rebecca’s offers 

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