December Energy Detox

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December detox

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The beginning of December may seem like a weird time to detox but hear me out.

When we think of detoxing we usually think of green smoothies, salads, and exercising in warm weather. But the Detoxing I am thinking of is an “energy ” detox and the Solstice is the perfect time for this. As we go within and the days get shorter in the northern hemisphere, we have a chance to detox vibrations that act like clouds to our LIGHT within.

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What are you consuming vibrationally?

This time of year it is good for us to eat hardy foods and healthy fats.  So no I am not suggesting we go raw and eat light during the holiday celebrations this month. What I am suggesting is that we get mindful of the vibrational frequencies we are taking in with the conversations we are having, the media we are watching, the books we are reading, the songs we are singing, and the thoughts we are entertaining. These are ALL feeding us as much as the food we are eating.

How to reflect on what is working and not working

December is a wonderful reflection time to get curious about what we would like to truly walk away from.  What would lighten us up?  What could we let go of in December to truly start 2024 in peace and joy?  Below is a list of things to get you curious and thinking to start getting ready for January 1st.  How we start our year sets the Tone for the rest of the year.

Now I am a firm believer that we can start a new any time of year, practically with each breath we are capable of stepping into a new reality if we choose. However, when many people are celebrating something there is a momentum of energy that we can ride on.  There are a lot of folks “starting fresh” on January 1st and we can use that energetic momentum for our energetic movement in 2024.

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What to detox energetically from:

Shame around not cleaning enough

Guilt from not spending enough time with friends, kids or pets

Blaming the condition of our county on someone or something

Violent movies or shows

Heated conversations that point the finger about someone being wrong

Songs that have hateful or negative lyrics

Anger toward family members

Frustration toward co-worker

Gossiping about neighbors

Negative banter about current affairs

Books that you can’t put down that leave you feeling down about your life

Social media that is negative or finger-pointing or mocking in nature

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How to turn things around energetically

Whose shame is this?  How old am I being?

I’m doing my best. I’ll go for quality instead of quantity

How can I be the change I want to see in the world

Watch programming that is building someone up or celebrating a hero

Retreat, people have stopped hearing anything you are saying once it’s heated

Listen to wordless music, or the music genres of “positive ” or “conscious”

Resolve anger by getting curious about the trigger and exploring the root

Explore with the questions, what is this & how does it get better than this

Turn gossiping around by doing an appreciation rant about that person

Remember, negativity blocks the flow of the higher self, putting walls up to higher guidance

Just put the book down and read The Peaceful Warrior

Currate your SM platforms w/ people who have positive outlooks and loving perspectives

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How to start 2024 authentically with the feeling of Peace

Energetically detoxing will help you get ready to start January in the frequencies of Peace and Love. You will start to wake up every morning excited for the day and find things in your family, friends, and work that light you up!  This all works toward resetting your vibrational set point so your normal mood and emotions are that of positivity and joy that are rooted in the source of your self .. your higher self, not in anything that is happening around you.

You may just find yourself spontaneously breaking out into wordless songs, singing your heart out. ❤️❤️❤️????

So detoxing energetically and resetting your vibrational set point can bring up a lot even resistance and excuses can surface.   If you could use some support check out my ALIGN program. It helps you reset and holds your hand through it all.

Happy Holidays




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