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Simply transform your life with the Love frequency
Its seems these days a new book and training for awakening and healing comes out every hour. Everyone has a new formula or 6 step process. But what if it could be way more simple.
What if all those steps and formulas are still coming from the root of suffering – the separation the ego convinces us of. What if for just a week you tried to let go of all the formulas and steps and just practiced the love frequency?
Are you up for a little experiment? The ego would tell you no. The ego would tell you it cant be that simple. What if we calmed that little gremlin voice and gave this a try anyway.
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One simple step
You are love. When you feel anything but love you are in the ego’s schemes to have you believe you are not love. Instead it has you believe you are a separate entity alone in the world. So when you feel that aloneness and separation, come back to love. Can you let it be that simple? What is saying it can’t?
Ways to remember love
What brings you to a feeling of love?
Is it nature or a sound or a smell. Is it a prayer.
Pick something and have it transport you right back to love when you start to notice you have strayed. I went as far as tattooing “What would love do?” on my arm to give me that reminder.
What will it be for you?
The sound of love’s potency
However, the greatest tool I have for coming back to love and instantly processing anything that is not love, is the sound of the love frequency though my voice. I call this the somatic vortex note. It is a note that I let out after a meditation. Usually after meditation I am in my authentic space of love.
I then let out a vowel sound to mark that love frequency and I let this tone out throughout the day when I notice I am spirally out of love. It redirects my whole body, mind and energy field back into the love frequency.
Happy face sticker on the empty gas tank
You may ask, but what about the feelings and wounds that I was feeling. Do I just bypass those? Do I pretend I didn’t feel them? What if the love frequency could process them instantly?
We seem to be under the spell of the belief that wounds and emotions need lots of time to be processed to be able to move forward from them, but what if that is only another scheme of the ego to keep you separate and locked in its reality.
All you need to do is pause, acknowledge the feeling in the moment that is not unity and love and then bring love to it. In true reality, time doesn’t exist, so why couldn’t it be resolved instantly. It can. Yet the ego has you believing otherwise.
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Love frequency versus your beliefs
Your beliefs are what have been created because the ego has attached its sense of self to emotions. Instead use emotions as an alarm system that tell you, “Alert, we have made the idea of separation real and we have left the love vibe,”
The ego part of yourself has made emotions mean something, made them “your truth” and based beliefs around them. These are all the layers in the subconscious and conscious mind that keep you from the real truth, love.
If you tap into the higher mind where love is, you get to process all this instantly. And the more you do this, the nervous system follows and the ego’s hold on you becomes less and less. This means less triggers, less drama and less suffering. So would you like to try my experiment?
This weeks experiment
For the next week notice when you are in the ego’s hold of dense emotions or triggers. Then pause. Notice and in a way that works for you (my favorite way is through the voice) bring love there. Sit in the love frequency for a few moments and move on. Do this diligently every time during the day you feel the ego’s emotions and beliefs holding you captive.
More support
If you are needing support, cause lets face it, the ego can be tricky and sneaky, and a clear witness can be helpful, here are a few offers I have.
One, simply join my BE SUNG: Awakened Voice training. This will train you to use your voice as a frequency shifter and vibrational alignment tool.
If you feel like you have a lot hanging out in your subconscious and need a reset, then my ALIGN: Custom Sound Medicine program would be a great support for you. AND if you invest in the ALIGN program now until November 9, 2024 you will get my BE SUNG class for free!
Has this blog brought up questions? Are you unclear if my ALIGN program or training is for you? Sign up for a FREE discovery call and get clarity!