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Is your Story Limiting you or creating more possibility?
Personal limitations with your body do not have to be your story even if you feel limited in your body.Telling people about your limitations, making sure people know about how you live your life, and what you hold significant with your story create your limitations and your fears.This solidifies the reality of the story even more which decreases possibility in your life. It also decreases possibility with your voice and what you can create forward. (I’ve been finding this out the hard way in my journey through the years)
Does this mean bypass your feelings and awareness? Not at all.
There is another possibility.
It’s All frequency
I see thoughts, feelings and emotions as frequency indicators. Indicators that show us where their are negative energy build ups that are blocking the flow of lifeforce energy. In Reiki it is called byoki . Thoughts feeling and emotions are a fascinating feed back loop. This feed back loop assists us back to the frequency of wholeness. Wholeness is the perspective of ourselves as an infinite being of the Universe.
Trauma and illness have a frequency. If you continue to feed the frequency with the same frequency it stays. If you shift the frequency with a different or more refined frequency ie reiki, sound, positive thoughts, it’s possible to shift that reality from your cells.
It is possible to live with a body condition that is a blessed part of your reality and growing consciousness. However, the focus on the possibility of the body condition rather then the limitation will give you more freedom.
It is also possible that one is responding to a collective energy. Some are helping the collective with growing consciousness through their own journey with the reality in their body. Again, the focus on the possibility rather then the limitation will bring freedom for all.
Does your Story Expand or Contract your Life?
Is the story you are telling over and over again a frequency that is going to expand your life or contract it? Only you will know. The universe only knows the vibration of the story not the details we judge as good or bad or right or wrong. As we expand our awareness from thoughts, feeling and emotions to knowing and being, we can sense whether the energy of the story and it’s words are light or heavy. Do they bring us to a space that is expanded and light which is growing our consciousness or heavy and dense keeping us stagnant.
The wholeness of you is a finer frequency then the trauma and drama. It is a finer frequency of the body limitation and a finer frequency of the reality you are playing with. It’s not that one is “emotionally bypassing” by telling a different story but rather tapping into the infinite beingness. This beingness is possible as one grows in consciousness. You get to be an energy having a physical experience and you get to choose the frequency that you want to play in. You get to focus to the frequency that you choose through the awareness your emotions are giving you.
Perhaps if there is any “bypassing” with humans it is “presence bypassing”. “Presence Bypassing” would be where an individual chooses to ignore the wholeness of herself in the present moment. Instead she identifies with and attaches to an emotional story rather than the frequency of wholeness.
One Voice, One Breath
One practice I love to bring awareness of where I am in relation to wholeness is called “one breath, one voice”. You take a breath and let out a sound. Without judgment, awareness comes. Then add another “one breath, one voice”, then another. awareness of where you are vibrationally surfaces. Keep doing this practice until a shift in frequency is noticed. It is not about sounding a certain way. Don’t try to shift the frequency. Just allow the process. Your own voice has a quality that can shift vibration and bring you back to your resonant frequency of wellness, wholeness and lightness.
Isn’t that Awesome!
What else is possible when you are willing to live from the wholeness of you rather then the limitation of you?
Stay conscious people… It may be hard to look in the mirror to see what you are being and doing but the awareness of the frequency of wholeness has a freedom to it!!