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What is GRACE?
For years I have sang “Amazing Grace” to senior communities. Every time I sang it tears would well up in the audience. For years I sung the words without really knowing what they meant.
Today as I write this I recognize what grace is. And I can say grace is possible and does happen.
It is a gift from spirit that has no attention to time space reality. A gift is a broad term, really what I mean is that it is a shift in reality that you can not explain quiet yet. It is unconditional love, a moment of spiritual alignment to the whole and a deep deep asking that finally gets heard.
My experience with grace has come at a time where I was quite low about something in my life. I thought there would have to be years of therapy and healing to get through this. Yet when the moment happened, it felt like a quantum leap into another reality. It felt like years of heavy trauma and drama were lifted from me, never to return. They just vanished. I really can’t explain it any other way. One moment I was in one reality and the next moment I was in a totally different reality yet in the same environment.
Each time I have experienced grace, I have walked out of the place I received it with awe, gratitude and honestly, a bit of confusion. All the questions of how, what, where, when and who all came flooding in. All of them I could not answer. Some things as a spirit in a human body can not be comprehended. So I surrendered to receive this shift in my reality that grace brought. I received the joy and peace and miracle of it all.
Grace may be showing up more then you thought
What was I doing when Grace came upon me? The first time I was really depressed over my life and a break up that had happened my older friend was a born again christian and invited me to his church. At the end of the service they invited anyone up who would like to ask Jesus into their hearts. I thought, well it can’t hurt, I need all the help I can get right now. As the people prayed over me, my heaviness was lifted.
I walked out of the church with my joy back in tact. As I went through my days I continued to have understanding and allowance of the events that were unfolding that in the past brought deep despair. Instead I was joyous. The people around me were shocked. I was shocked, but I chose to receive it all, accept it and surrender to it.
As I was about to write about the next time grace showed up, I am getting awareness of multiple times Grace has shown up in my life. It is actually too many times to write about.
What do you do to bring on Grace?
As I reflect back on these times, what I see as the common denominator is that I was always in a space of asking for guidance. I gave time to the stillness to hear the guidance. I let go of my mind enough to not let judgements or certain beliefs skew how it showed up. For example, I was open enough to say, sure, I’ll let Jesus in despite some of the religious trauma I have had in the past growing up.
These days I practice Reiki meditation. I reflect on the 5 Reiki ideals, ask for guidance and support and sit in presence. This practice sets me up for developing my openness to divine guidance. A friend, after I told her about my recent bout of Grace, said, “Well, I have heard that if you keep the ground fertile with spiritual practice, Grace shows up.” Perhaps a practice of being present and open can assist with Grace. Perhaps there is no formula but following your lightness.
Give Thanks for Grace
To conclude, I want to give thanks to the Grace that has shown up in my life. I encourage you to stay receptive. Sometimes it is challenging to receive Grace as it doesn’t make sense to the rational mind that this great shift can happen with out working for it and without investing time.
However, work and time is a construct of human nature, it has nothing to do with the possibilities of spirit, energy and other dimensions of consciousness. Acknowledge the moments of Grace, give thanks, be open to receive, let go of constructs of beliefs and judgements and believe that anything is possible.
Grace is possible and can give your life a quantum leap to your inherent JOY!