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It is kind of a crazy question,
Do you deny your joy to help others?
This morning my son told me a story about how he caught a snapping turtle. My son has so much joy communing with animals. Somehow he found a large snapping turtle in the lake near our house and brought it out to see it. A man was walking by and was so thrilled at seeing the snapping turtle. He thanked my son and said it made his day!
After hearing this story I knew what I wanted to write about today!
Our joy is contagious. Our joy feeds other people’s thrill, hope and joy. What if our joy was an alchemical process that when put into the energy of the day actually helps others to have joy too?
There is an analogy I use often with coaching clients. If someone is at the bottom of a deep well and you jump in to help, now you both are stuck at the bottom of a deep well. However, if you stay at the top of the well and let down a rope to help pull her up, no one is stuck in the well.
What if to be a contribution to others, your joy is the rope that gets them out of being stuck in the well of their lives?
Through the years I have heard many people say to me, “I love to sing, but I don’t have a voice, I’ll just sing in the shower or the car if no one is around”.
Two things here, ONE, if you are telling me a story like this and you sing in the car and the shower, YOU HAVE A VOICE.
TWO, if singing brings you joy, why wouldn’t you do it all the time?
What I have come to know is that if people are judging themselves they begin to perceive that others are judging them and it stops them from doing things that bring them joy.
I have also come to know that people have a herd mentality and if people are gossiping, negative, sick or poor there is a strange human tendency to be that too. The thing is we can not get negative enough, sick enough or poor enough to help people. That is being deep in the well with them.
Would you be willing to voice your joy, voice your brilliance and let go of judgment?
It seems like a simple request yet sometimes not that easy. I’ve noticed personally it is quite a journey facing and releasing patterns of self judgment that look like fear, inhibition, playing small, failure to launch, shame, guilt, not believing or trusting oneself, feeling not good enough, being unexpressed and depression, to keep expanding and expressing my joy. I’ve personally experienced them all.
But the good news is, it is a fun and really interesting journey to unravel the inhibition, open to guidance and learn to step into a new possibility of YOUR JOY each day. This is how you contribute to your business, your relationships, your family, strangers, your communities etc.. This is how you help others, by tending to and expanding the quality of your joy and the expression of your brilliance.
What is the next step?
1- Get support, whether through books, on line programs, classes, personal coaching or energy work
2- Notice, whats brings you the most joy and do that a lot!
3- Have Gratitude, for things through out your day, for joyful people around you, for everything. This makes you a vibrational match for you to experience more of your joy.
Happy Day!