Sound Therapy for Hot Flashes and Other Perimenopause Symptoms

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Sound Therapy for Hot Flashes:

The crazy heat – the flashes, the restless nights, the red glow, and the surges… 

sound therapy for hot flashesYes, this can be part of perimenopause but it can also be a few other things as well.  And while women seem to go through it the most, men can feel these surges too because it is not “just hormones.”  Let’s get into some ways sound therapy can give you some relief from hot flashes.

You may have heard about my perfect storm theory in one of my High Vibrational Living blogs or on my TikTok live replay.   This is the theory that hot flashes and other midlife/perimenopause symptoms are not JUST hormones. They are a result of a trifecta. Yes, hormones are a big factor. When the hormones are shifting, your body is under a very big metamorphosis and figuring out how to adjust to life with lower levels of progesterone and estrogen.  But there is something else that is happening as well. The 2nd part of the perfect storm- your awakening consciousness. Some would call this your kundalini rising. 

What is your body producing hot flashes?

Let’s first go over how to work through the obvious, the hormones. Hot flashes, some say are a response to quick shifts in estrogen. Some say it is a response from the heat-regulating part of the brain not getting the estrogen it is used to getting. And some sources say that it has not been completely clear why heat flashes happen. So it is safe to say, that hormone and brain health is a good place to start to manage the surges of heat. 

 Keeping your hormones balanced will be a balancing act of how you shift your lifestyle to meet this new phase of life.  You see while your body is shifting and learning to work with lower amounts of hormones it requires some support.  It will do you well to consider your body in a cocoon stage where it needs tender loving care. This means keeping your liver healthy, your digestion moving, stress levels low, and blood sugar balanced. 

Lifestyle shift in midlife to manage the intense heat: 

  • Cut out alcohol 
  • Eat clean whole foods
  • Low sugars
  • Up healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, fish oil, flax)
  • No fried foods 
  • No spice 
  • Lay low on garlic (very heating)
  • Hydrate with electrolytes 10 glasses /day
  • Rest-based exercise (so as not to create a stress response)
  • Eat cooling foods  (cucumber, grapes, apples, and tofu (all organic)
  • Get as much rest and sleep as possible (keeps adrenals happy)
  • Herbal support with Chaste Tree berry / Vitex, Maca, and/ or Don Qui

Sound healing Therapy for Hot Flashes

You can also use certain frequencies with sound to balance the hormones and heat. In the Voice Bio work the frequency of the A note can support you through symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. You can do this with a drone in the key of A on YouTube.   A crystal bowl in the frequency of A can also be used or simply hitting an A note on a piano and toning AHHH for 5 minutes can help! The note of F# can be helpful to support the pituitary and hypothalamus, the areas that produce hormones and regulate body temperature. Kidneys also play a role in body temperature and hydration so playing with  C# for the right kidney and D for the left kidney can be helpful.   The liver can be balanced out with G and the adrenal glands, which need to stay healthy to take over estrogen production from the ovaries, can be supported with D#. These are some places to start. Each body and experience is different so doing your own experimenting is key. If you need support with this I am happy to mentor you through this within my Awakened Voice Sessions. 

Your Awakening Consciousness

Now let’s get into the 2nd reason you could be feeling those heat surges – your awakening consciousness. There is an energy at the base of your spine called kundalini energy, as we live and grow spiritually this kundalini wakes up and starts rising up through our body. This is a good thing because it starts to burn away what is no longer a match for your new consciousness. Some people’s (men and women) kundalini awakening is easy and mild with some heat. Others can experience it with intense health challenges.  

Kundalini and Kyron Return to shed light on your awakening and heat 

This kundalini rising also starts getting the body ready to embody more light. It is a very big transformation and it usually happens around midlife. With the help of Kyron return in your astrological chart, you can see at midlife when and how this will show up in your life. Kyron return has us revisit the unhealed past as an opportunity to reset, heal, and expand. It is your choice what you do with this opportunity. 

With sound healing therapy, you can use your voice to process the energy from these past wounds to help the expanding consciousness and kundalini shift along. It is powerful to do this intuitively.  Toning the Chakra sounds can also be beneficial as well since you can balance out all the emotional and mental build-up from the past hanging out in the chakra fields. 

Here are the notes and sounds I use for the Chakras: 

Root,  C,  Ohkundalini and chakras

2nd,   D,  Oo

3rd,    E,   ah

4th,    F,     A

5th,    G,   EE

6th,    A,   MM

7th,    B,   Ng

In conclusion, nothing is wrong you are just adapting 

So as you can see it is a balancing act and healing journey that requires different choices and priorities in midlife.   There is no magic pill or sound that will make the heat or other symptoms go away because it is happening as a metamorphosis that is required to shift you into a different phase of life and consciousness. The best thing to do is to embrace it and be present with all its nuances instead of seeing it as something wrong. 

My blessings are with you on this journey!  If you need support you are welcome to schedule a complimentary discovery call. There we can come up with a blueprint strategy to help you on your path.


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