unconscious kindnessKindness and guilt frequencies are not so far apart

Have you ever been kind out of guilt?  Have you been kind because you heard your mother’s words in the back of your mind?  Have you been kind because it was the status quo thing to do?

When kindness comes from your guilt, past programming and societal norms it is rooted in your subconscious programming not your higher consciousness.  While you might think, “well a  kind act is a kind act, so all good.”   But that is not how the Universe works. The Universe works vibrationally. When you are doing a kind act from guilt, what you are really giving is guilt.  If you are giving something to “be kind” yet your attached to the out come, you are giving codependency or some other “string” attached to it.  Here the vibration of kindness is lower on the spectrum and is not true kindness

Does it make a difference where it is coming from?

True kindness come from an inspired act from ones higher consciousness. The vibration of this pure kindness can be felt, just as the vibration of kindness from your subconscious programming can be felt.  So what do you really want to offer?

Just because it looks kind doesn’t mean it actually is.  Giving someone a lower frequency in an “act of kindness” does not serve them.   You may say, “well if they are hungry and I give them food, then that is helpful, even if I am giving  because of what my mom taught me.”   Maybe, maybe not.   Food when someone is hungry may appease them. However, what they may really need is a vibrational shift, lift or release. Giving them food to quench your guilty conscious is actually giving them a vibration of guilt,  which is pretty low on the emotional vibration scale. Vibration matters. It is what everyones reality is based on.

How to give from pure vibrational kindness

Building your awareness is key if you want to be in alignment with true kindness.   Notice when you feel like being kind if it has tentacles on it.  Meaning does it have a second agenda. Become aware if you are giving this kindness with true detachment, in pure love and inspired from higher consciousness.  When you  bring awareness into your decision to be kind, you may also start to notice that it may be a bigger kindness, not to give something or do something.  You may notice that just acknowledging the light in them is the actual kindness they  need.  Sometimes interfering with kindness that makes YOU feel good is the exact thing that may disempower the other person. So growing awareness is key to start giving from vibrational kindness.

How to build  Awareness 

There are 3 steps to building awareness. The first is to start recognizing the emotional / mental pattern you make choices from. The 2nd is to get into your deeper roots in your subconscious and start looking at it and processing energy there. 3rd is to visit your connection with your higher consciousness more often – at least once a day.

I love to use my voice for steps 2 and 3. Your voice can help you process energy simply by humming or ohming with the intention of processing and releasing.   Intending to be in your higher consciousness and humming and ohming can also help you access and feel your authentic self that is aligned with higher consciousness. When you step into your day in higher consciousness, your awareness will lead you to what would be biggest kindness to someone.   It may include a gift or a physical offer or it may just include a contribution of energy from you or it just may be that the kindest thing to do is to walk past with no action or contribution of energy.   Let your awareness guide you rather than your ego and subconscious.

Learn how to be your own sound healer with my Awakened Voice Sessions 


Reboot your subconscious with my Align Custom Sound Healing program 

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