3 steps to express more

3 STEPS TO Express More! What Have You Decided is Your Cross To Bear?

#1 Tip to Speak or Sing Loud

#1 Tip To Speak & Sing with a Loud VolumeDid you ever wonder how to get your voice louder without feeling like you are straining or pushing?

So many years as a young girl people responded to me with, “Can you speak a little louder, I can’t hear you”

It was so uncomfortable trying to push out a louder voice while I felt my face get redder and redder and my heart pounding faster and faster.

Today I want to share with you the #1 tip to speak or sing loud  that I have used so people stop responding to me in this way.

It is a common thing to think we have to PUSH to get our voice out… but for any of you who have given birth, you know that if you push too hard or too soon it strains your body and some really unpleasant things can happen.

As I am writing this I am realizing that speaking or singing with a louder volume is pretty analogous to giving birth because if you let energy flow and expand to allow the baby though you give birth with ease. The same thing is true with the voice.

It is NOT A PUSH BUT AN EXPANSION  that will let your voice gain in volume.

Your whole head and body,  ALL OF IT, is a powerful resonating chamber.  When you explore expanding your awareness to sing from your whole body -expanding your breath and voice out to every cell of your body you have the opportunity to get louder.

In the practice of Yoga they teach you to breath more fully. A teacher will also guide you to take your breath to different parts of you body. This is true of your voice as well. Intend for your voice to go to all areas of your body.

To start, you may want to work with just your head. Expanding the breath and the voice through your whole mouth, throat, neck and cranial bones etc.. This leads to a  physical sensation of the throat expanding, especially the soft pallet – the soft spot behind the hard bony part of the roof of the mouth.  To physically expand the throat and back of the mouth you can imagine you are swallowing an orange. Give it a try.

It stretches your throat doesn’t it?

Now see if you can allow this physical expansion inform your intension for expanding energetically throughout the whole body, releasing any density from contracting in your body. This expanded state will allow you more volume. It is an exploration and a journey. Play with this and the more you do, the more you will notice it working.

Have fun Being Loud!!

Any questions? Happy to answer them in the comments





A Song a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A song a day

Forego the apple and insert a SONG!   A song a day keeps the Doctor away!

Singing has so many unsung benefits. On top of these it also can give you so much information about whether you are comfortable in your own skin and trust yourself!

When I was in my early 20s there were many low moments. It was at this time that I was beginning to play the guitar and sing a long to what I was playing. I didn’t put two and two together for a long time but when I did, I began to realize after singing I always felt better. I always felt more present and able to let go of my past story and I’ve noticed thru the years that even though I hadn’t been running or climbing a mountain for exercise, my aerobic ability was high. Now I know why

Singing Helps:

  • Induce the body to produce oxytocin which helps reduce stress
  • Improve your cardiac rhythm reducing risk of heart disease
  • Train the stomach muscle
  • Strengthens your immunity by increasing the concentration of immunoglobulin A
  • You breath deeply and evenly promoting proper breathing
  • Produce endorphins the “happy hormone”

If you are a closet singer, have you noticed some of these benefits?

Research is also showing these benefits show up even more with group singing.  Do you a some friends to sing with?

Its pretty cool seeing the biology of how singing can contribute. However I’ve also noticed thru the  past 20 years of being a singer / songwriter /performer that it also has been a great barometer for helping me build awareness of where I am holding myself back, what is negatively effecting me and  where my body could use some assistance in releasing tightness.

So as you sing your song a day with or without a group enjoy the great physical benefits and while you do, begin to notice what thoughts are arising, where do  you feel a bit of resistant in your body or mind and could you show up even more for the song.

In my experience it has been helpful to have a journal near by because a lot seems to unfold, unleash and release… write it down. It is is great information for transformation!

A song a day keeps the doctor away.  Happy Singing!


Resources reviewed:






7 Affirmations To Free Your VOICE

free your voice blog bannerWe may not think much of our voice until we have to get up and do a presentation, or get on camera or sing a song. However, each moment our voice has a lot to say.

Your voice can be a window to your soul.  


When your voice is free I venture to say you are feeling more free inside to be your true self. When your voice is free you have a confidence and ease with showing up and being heard. At least this is what I have experienced.   Thru the years here are some affirmations I have used to stay open with my voice when I have been on stage.     May these 7 affirmations to free your voice be a contribution to you!  Your Brilliance can change the world!

  1. My VOICE is my Power
  2. I am being sung by source energy
  3. I expand my energy and let go of judgments
  4. If I can breath, I can talk, If I can talk I can sing
  5. My voice is a unique contribution to the world 
  6. My body is open and free to express my voice
  7. I trust the brilliance that comes thru my voice 

How to use these affirmations:

1-First Aid: When you find yourself feeling self conscious or uncomfortable -contracted in your body and inhibited yet your still aware of  a “green light” energy of “go do this”, pick one of these affirmations to use or several. Use them on the spot!

2-Personal practice: If you are aware of a specific pattern that shows up you can pick the affirmation that lights you up and say it as a mantra practice morning and night. Say it 10-30 times at a sitting. (or in the car, this is were I get a lot of my transformational practice done LOL)  This will help you rewire your experience with using your voice.

With these affirmations under your belt you will begin to find more ease with your video blogs, speaking in a room full of people, making a presentation or even with speaking to your children.

I love questions. IF you have any let me know in the comments!


Could you use more help with freeing your voice?  I offer Vocal empowerment sessions that are a deep transformational journey of self discovery to free your voice I would love to support you!

  • All the best
